Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria

With the latest hasty judgment about Tuesday’s poison-gas deaths in a rebel-held area of northern Syria, the mainstream U.S. news media once more reveals itself to be a threat to responsible journalism and to the future of humanity. Again, we see the troubling pattern of verdict first, investigation later, even when that behavior can lead to a dangerous war escalation […]
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The Great Gender Pay Gap Odyssey

21st Century Wire says…
In April 2018, up to 9,000 UK employers will have published the ‘gender gap’ between average and median pay, also who gets bonuses and how much including the proportion of women and men within each quartile of an organisation’s staff.
It is reported that with the current rate of change it could take until 2069 until women are paid the same as men, but by then most working women today will be retired.

Love, Western Nihilism and Revolutionary Optimism

How dreadfully depressing life has become in almost all of the Western cities! How awful and sad.
It is not that these cities are not rich; they are. Of course, things are deteriorating there, the infrastructure is crumbling and there are signs of social inequality, even misery, at every corner. But if compared to almost all other parts of the world, the wealth of the Western cities still appears to be shocking, almost grotesque.

Theresa May – A Role Model For Women In Saudi Arabia

21st Century Wire says…
As British Prime Minister Theresa May continues her ‘damage control’ visit to the Middle East, including a visit to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday which fell on the second anniversary of the war on Yemen, May speaking from Jordan said “[but] I hope also that people see me as a woman leader, will see what women can achieve and how women can be in significant positions.”

The Road to War in 1812: Imperialism, Empire, and the Proletariat

With Donald Trump, President of the United States, visiting Hermitage, the home of Andrew Jackson before the 250th Anniversary of his birth, it is best we remember when the US government declared war on the British Empire in 1812, beginning Mr. Madison’s War, falsely and deceptively called the “War of 1812.” This article is part one of a two-part series on the war, beginning with the events and years leading up to military conflict.

Labour’s Witch-hunt Against Ken Livingstone

The ongoing Ken Livingstone (“Get Corbyn!”) saga grows yet more preposterous. After outrage that the former London mayor had said Hitler was a Zionist (when he clearly hadn’t, as I pointed out at the time here and here), Labour suspended Livingstone amid accusations that he had made anti-semitic, offensive and false historical claims.