Moral Injury: The Wounded Soul

  Veterans For Peace UK members John Bourton and Daniel Lenham each gave a fascinating talk at the Hexham Debates recently on ‘how to turn your child into a killer’ and ‘moral injury’ respectively. (See video above). John discusses ‘the psychological processes that go on to turn you from a child into a killer, which, essentially is what basic training […]
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Former White Helmets Associates Speak About the Group’s Fabrications and Possession of Prohibited Chemicals

Former White Helmets associate named Walid Hindi admitted his involvement in fabricating photo and video material, prepared in cooperation with Turkish Television, during the time when he was working with the notorious White Helmets group in eastern Aleppo. The group was preparing fake videos of alleged atrocities of the Syrian Army, during its liberation process of eastern Aleppo. In his […]

#WannaCrypt – NSA Powered Bug Hits Global Targets

21st Century Wire says…
The Russians were blamed for this cyber attack by British mainstream’s The Independent, but that article including all its related social media got pulled down quickly. Fake news covered up very quickly.
What’s very interesting is that the highest amount of victims of this cyber attack were based in Russia. Worth thinking about.

Queen Told To ‘Confront’ Bahrain King Over Human Rights Or Cut Ties

21st Century Wire says…
The ‘Kingdom’ of Bahrain may be a high income economy and a high ‘human development’ index, but it’s human rights are certainly nothing to brag about. And as for self censoring alongside journalists who risk jail for speaking ill of government, this shiny former emirate is as guilty as it’s Gulf neighbours.
As much as £45 million worth of weapons were sold to Bahrain from the United Kingdom up to last year.

Donald Trump and Theresa May: Partners in Planning Armageddon?

For the love of God, for the love of your children and of the civilization to which you belong, cease this madness. You are mortal men. You are capable of error. You have no right to hold in your hands – there is no one wise enough and strong enough to hold in his hands – destructive power sufficient to put an end to civilized life on a great portion of our planet.
— George F. Kennan, Boston Globe, March 18, 2005

Jeremy Corbyn’s Electoral Vision: Labour’s Leaked Manifesto

It is unfortunate that policies otherwise deemed middle of the road and social democratic tend to be seen in Britain as offspring of a lunatic mother long held in indefinite detention at Her Majesty’s Pleasure.  But such is the nature of the current electioneering round, which has seen a source, most likely a disgruntled Labour hack, leak the manifesto of Jeremy Corbyn’s party ahead of its debate by the National Executive Committee.

“Meltdown”: The Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland Writes Jeremy Corbyn’s Obituary

In bygone years, defenders of the Guardian’s supposed ‘progressive’ credentials would typically cite the presence of Seumas Milne, Owen Jones and George Monbiot. The newspaper’s cupboard is looking decidedly threadbare now. After a year’s leave of absence, Milne left the paper permanently in January to continue leading Jeremy Corbyn’s media team.

‘Stuff Happens’ in the Theatre of War and Drama

I have just (belatedly) read David Hare’s highly praised, ‘provocative’ 2004 history play about events leading up to the invasion of Iraq, ‘Stuff Happens’. It contains verbatim public statements made by Bush, Blair and other leading characters’ real life counterparts but Hare has stated that for the behind the scenes conversations he used his imagination, which is entirely acceptable as […]
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