Mainstream Media: The Spies Who Choked Me

Government and the security services are using the levers of control to manipulate the mainstream media and with it the public discourse like never before. Shadowy informational operatives use technology to stalk every newsroom in the land to gain political advantage. The public are now facing new threats as they are unconsciously herded and trapped inside self imposed informational bubbles. Loyal to the political framework and its corporate interests almost all media that you are reading and seeing today is largely fake, distorted or misrepresented.

Breaking the Steer

The vast majority of human beings are pretty intelligent. A tiny percentage are noticeably slower than others, and an even tinier percentage are considerably brighter than others, but the vast majority of us are about the same, intelligence-wise. So the reason that most people don’t understand how the world really works has very little to do with intelligence; it has everything to do with two well-established and powerful institutions: education, and the mainstream media.

Russian demands investigation of allegations US and UK supplied chemical weapons to terrorists

This week Syria has alleged that in addition to the already acknowledged arming of terrorists in Syria with weapons and vehicles, America and Britain also gave them access to chemicals which could easily be weaponised.
Specifically, chemical weapons confirmed by the OPCW to be in the hands of terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus are said to have derived from the US and UK.


My latest trip to Syria was spent in Aleppo and Damascus. During my time in East Aleppo I was struck by the hive of activity, pockets of industry, rebuilding the stricken neighborhoods, stone by stone. Despite lack of electricity and water, in each street and alleyway, the sound of welders and the beat of hammers, rang out. The sparks from […]
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President Bashar Al Assad’s Full Speech to Journalist Union in Damascus

The Syria Times e-newspaper is indeed honored to republish H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad‘s landmark address to the Syrian journalists  at Journalists Union 4th Conference :Al-Umawyeen Conference Palace, Damascus: August 15, 2006 . Ladies and gentlemen members of the fourth general conference of the Journalists Union, Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me pleasure to meet you at the opening of the proceedings […]

You Won’t Believe What The Government Is About To Privatise Next

In the eyes of profiteers, there’s money to be made from debt, especially from the poor. Privatisation of the court bailiff system is like privatising parking enforcement – and look where that led – scandal after scandal. The civilianisation of law enforcement has always proved to be much worse than when managed by government with civilian scrutiny. This, like so many other privatisation projects this will end in failure with the over-stretched citizenry shouldering the burden of government incompetence and the poor exploited even further.

The Enemy Is The Elite Boss Class, Not The Migrant Worker.

There is a debate taking place within our movement on whether EU migrants to the UK are responsible for a cut in wages and terms and conditions in our country. There have been numerous academic studies that have found scant evidence for this assumption. Yet the false perception persists, promoted to a large extent by our right-wing media and UKIP’s […]
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Investigation Brews over Insecticide-Tainted Eggs Distributed Throughout U.K.

Eggs contaminated with a potentially harmful insecticide were imported from Europe and have been distributed throughout the United Kingdom and other countries, according to England’s Food Standards Agency (FSA). [1]
The number of eggs containing the insecticide fipronil, used in flea and tick products, is thought to be very small, thank goodness, but grocers in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and Switzerland have had to pull millions of eggs from store shelves as a precaution.
It is believed that fipronil was used on chickens in Belgium.