Repair or Replace?

There are very few inventions which are perfect at the moment of their creation, or which cannot be improved over time. The League of Nations was a new invention when it was first created after the First World War. It was the first attempt to form a global organisation whose main purpose was to prevent war through achieving disarmament and settling disputes through negotiation and arbitration. Like most new inventions, it wasn’t perfect. It failed, and World War Two followed.

7 non-aggression pacts and treaties signed by European countries with Nazi Germany

The inter-war period of Europe was not one of burgeoning democracies formed from the ashes of the First World War, but rather, central and Europe were countries that were overwhelmingly far-right dictatorship.
These are just some examples:
HUNGARY: In the interwar years, Hungary was ruled by an ultra-reactionary government most prominently by Prime Minister Gyula Gömbös. 
LATVIA: Latvian dictator Kārlis Ulmanis ruled with an iron far-right fist throughout the interwar years. 

BARCELONA: New Revelations, More Challenging Questions Remain

21st Century Wire says…
The events of last weeks attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils continue to unravel into a myriad of complexity concerning key players and ‘whodunnit’. It is now understood that the deceased so called ‘imam’ of the cell, Albdelbaki Es Satty, was previously ruled as ‘no real threat’ as far back as 2015.

Should Monuments to Canadians who helped conquer Africa be removed

Some good might come in Canada from neo-fascists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Taking advantage of media interest in protests over monuments to historical figures with racist views activists in Halifax are pushing to remove commemorations to two individuals who helped conquer Africa. And there’s no lack of other such memorials to target across the Great White North.

Should Monuments to Canadians who helped conquer Africa be removed

Some good might come in Canada from neo-fascists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Taking advantage of media interest in protests over monuments to historical figures with racist views activists in Halifax are pushing to remove commemorations to two individuals who helped conquer Africa. And there’s no lack of other such memorials to target across the Great White North.

The World Remembers the 64th Anniversary of the West-sponsored Coup in Iran

Peaceful, tolerant and socially oriented Islam was seen as a tremendous threat, at least in London, Washington, and Paris. It had to be stopped, even destroyed – resolutely and by all available means. Only the pre-approved Wahhabism, which was collaborative with the West and from the onset at least partially ‘co-produced’ by the British Empire, was singled-out and allowed to ‘bloom and succeed’.

The World Remembers 64th Anniversary of the West-Sponsored Coup in Iran

After WWII, the West had one huge ‘problem’ on its hands: all three most populous Muslim countries on Earth – Egypt, Iran and Indonesia – were clearly moving in one similar direction, joining a group of patriotic, peaceful and tolerant nations. They were deeply concerned about the welfare of their citizens, and by no means were they willing to allow foreign colonialist powers to plunder their resources, or enslave their people.

Email to Emily Thornberry: BBC Panorama crew ensconced with al-Qaeda linked jihadi group

Robert Stuart has been single-handedly undertaking ‘analysis of the 30 September 2013 BBC Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ and related BBC News reports, contending that sequences filmed by BBC personnel and others at Atareb Hospital, Aleppo on 26 August 2013 purporting to show the aftermath of an incendiary bomb attack on a school in Urm Al-Kubra are largely, if not […]