Preferred Conclusions – The BBC, Syria And Venezuela

The goal of a mass media propaganda campaign is to create the impression that 'everybody knows' that Saddam is a 'threat', Gaddafi is 'about to commit mass murder', Assad 'has to go', Corbyn is 'destroying the Labour party', and so on. The picture of the world presented must be clear-cut. The public must be made to feel certain that the 'good guys' are basically benevolent, and the 'bad guys' are absolutely appalling and must be removed.

The UK’s Wind Energy Experiment Is Paying Off In Big Ways

Energy from offshore wind just got a lot cheaper. The cost of subsidies for new offshore wind farms has halved to £57.50 per megawatt hour (MWh) since the last government auction in 2015, after two developers – Denmark’s Dong Energy and Spain’s EDP – bid aggressively for subsidy contracts to build new farms in 2022-23.
The results of the auction shocked industry analysts, who had expected prices to be around the £70-80 mark.

Finance, War, and the Rule of Rogue Law

Why is it that certain ‘regimes’ become ripe for imperial subversion or overthrow? What was it, in particular, that linked together the list of countries that retired general Wesley Clark shared in his famous 2007 interview as being next in the sights of the United States’ bellicose intentions and most of which since have indeed been plunged into horrendous wars?
The post Finance, War, and the Rule of Rogue Law appeared first on BSNEWS.

The BBC’s Climate Denialism: Coverage Of Hurricane and the South Asian Floods

In J.G. Ballard’s classic novel, The Drowned World, people are struggling for survival on a post-apocalyptic, overheating planet. A ‘sudden instability in the Sun’ has unleashed increased solar radiation, melting the polar ice caps and causing global temperatures to rise by a few degrees each year. Once-temperate areas, such as Europe and North America, have become flooded tropical lands, ‘sweltering under continuous heat waves’.

Durable Conspiracies: Twenty Years after Princess Diana’s Death

It has been two decades, and a stocktake of the conspiracy theories over the circumstances of Princess Diana’s death in the Pont de l’Alma road Tunnel will reveal the same inventory as were spawned in the immediate aftermath of her demise.  No response short of fanciful will do; no planned horror, however improbable, can be dismissed. Importantly, there must be some schema, a nefarious design intended to snatch away this figure’s life.