US to UN: World Must Punish Russia, or They’ll Use Chemical Weapons in NYC Next

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Most people may not draw an immediate connection between Salisbury and New York City.  US Ambassador Nikki Haley sees a direct route from the one to the other as part of a Russian chemical weapons plot for which no real evidence exists. Speaking at an “emergency” UN Security Council session, Haley demanded “immediate, concrete […]

Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game

Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end.  Either he fires all the apprentices who might slightly hesitate to wage a much larger world war and lets the bombs fly, or he will be replaced by one who will.  Signs are that he has learned what his job entails and the world will suffer more death and destruction as a result.

Fatal Quad: Who Is Assassinating Former MI6 Assets on British Soil?

Last week it was widely reported that a former Soviet and Russian military intelligence officer Sergey Skripal, working for MI6 since 1995, convicted in Russia of high treason in 2006 and released to UK under the 2010 US-Russia spy swap, was found unconscious with his daughter on a public bench near a shopping center in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.

Senior British Diplomat Moonlights for the Saudi Crown Prince’s PR Firm

A senior British diplomat is working for a firm at the heart of a multimillion dollar Saudi public relations offensive whilst still employed by the Foreign Office (FCO), the Bureau can reveal. The news comes as the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia prepares for a trip to London, where he will be greeted by demonstrations against the civilian death toll in Yemen caused by Saudi bombing.

Media deception in Syria – MIT prof Theodore Postol & Norman Solomon

RT's Afshin Rattansi (Going Underground) speaks with MIT Professor and weapons expert Theodore Postol about why the media is jumping to conclusions when reporting on chemical attacks in Syria. Former US congressional candidate and founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy Norman Solomon discusses complicity between NATO governments and their media.

Are Yemeni Kids, Like Palestinian Kids, Children of a Lesser God?

It seems the UK trains killers and supplies weapons with no regard for the humanitarian consequences.
The toxic situation (by which I mean the continuing mega-slaughter of innocents) surrounding the Saudi crown prince’s royal welcome to London will have reminded many of the Vietnam-era chant of peace activists in response to the lies and blunders and excuses at that time: “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”

Megalomaniac Crown Prince Fails to Win Over Londoners With Charm Offensive

A political disease usually found in countries ruled by insecure megalomaniacs hit London this week: hello, personality cult. In the Middle East, the disease associated with regions in which stunted political growth is the norm, has a distinct characteristic. Large portraits of the ruler and members of his family adorn street furniture, buildings and office walls. Depicted in their national dress and military uniforms with blemish free, beaming smiles, the aim is to develop affection for the head of the “national family”.

Viral Apologies and Jeremy Corbyn

It was public, expressive and demanded.  The apology by Ben Bradley, a social media hazard but also Tory member of the UK House of Commons, is something that will put detractors of Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn on notice.  While accusations have been made about the emerging cult of the Corbynista ringed by the steel of Momentum, Corbyn has weathered his fair share of accusations from espionage turn coat to terrorist sympathiser.

Theresa May recruits Royalty to thwart BDS

Prince William, second in line to the throne, is being sent to the Holy Land by the UK Government “to promote diplomatic and cultural ties”. In effect he’ll be helping to normalise 70 years of Israeli occupation and sanitise the unimaginable cruelty that has gone with it. His trip cuts across the Boycott Divestment & Sanctions movement’s efforts to bring pressure for justice.
Kensington Palace has announced in a tweet that “the Duke of Cambridge will visit Israel, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian territories in the summer.”