UK Sought Foreign Policy Advice From Cambridge Analytica Trump Team

A whistleblower has thrown new light on how Cambridge Analytica, the notorious data analytics firm, breached Facebook rules to acquire private information on over 50 million people to target American voters.
The revelations raise urgent questions about the use of psychological manipulation techniques on Facebook to influence voter choices, not just in the 2016 presidential elections, but also in the Brexit referendum.

Remembering the War on Iraq: March 20, 2003

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.
Neither solid analyses, moral reasoning and decent argument nor history’s probably largest pre-war, anti-war demonstrations worldwide had any discernible impact on the Bush and Blair Administrations’ decision to go to war and do so on a false pretext. Neither could major allies like France and Germany by their opposition to the war on Iraq persuade Washington and London to first try a peaceful resolution in accordance with the UN Charter provisions.

Will Syria be the Battleground for All-Out War Between Russia and America?

Today, Ghouta and tomorrow Daraa … This is not about Syria nor about the war on its soil : it is all about an open war between the axis led by United States of America, Europe and their allies in the Middle East against the axis led by Russia and its allies. It’s a war about control, influence and dominance in […]
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For the British political elite, the invasion of Iraq never happened

On the 15th anniversary of Iraq invasion, evidence remains overwhelming that war was illegal and a "crime of aggression". Yet six Cabinet members were elevated to House of Lords, others to top international jobs. UK elite enjoys impunity for foreign wars. Far from paying any price, the British system has rewarded ministers for their fateful decision on Iraq

Countering Israel’s Public Relations Deception

Military strength is one pillar of Israel’s strategy to incorporate all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and possibly beyond, into its territorial borders. Other pillars are a strong economy to finance the adventure and a worldwide deception plan that confuses those who aid Israel and, if they had all the facts, may object to Israel’s illegal tactics.  Because Israel devotes excessive resources in a worldwide plan of public relations and deception, its government must sense an importance to that battleground.

Russia’s Reaction to the Insults of the West is Political Suicide

The onslaught of western Russia bashing in the past days, particularly since the alleged poison attack by a Soviet-era nerve agent, Novichok (the inventor of which, by the way, lives in the US), on a Russian double agent, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, has been just horrifying. Especially by the UK. Starting with PM May, who outright accused Russia of using chemical weapons (CW) on UK grounds, without delivering any evidence.

Moscow plays the game and raises Britain one

Earler this week the British Prime Minister Theresa May fired a shot at the Russian Federation, convicting Russia’s government, especially its president Vladimir Putin of culpability in the assassination attempt of a former Soviet spy and his daughter who was in Britain to visit her father. Sergey and Yulia Skripal remain hospitalized after suffering an attack by a nerve agent determined by British authorities to be Novichok, an agent developed in the Soviet Union.

Austerity Is Economically Illiterate and Morally Bankrupt

Following the economic crash of 2008, Tory governments have put cutting the budget deficit (the difference between what the government receives in taxes and what it spends) and reducing the national debt at the centre of their economic policy. Austerity, principally, was their method of doing that. That is cutting government spending on our vital services and additionally freezing public sector pay.