The Sharks Circling Around Corbyn Scent Blood

After a short reprieve following Jeremy Corbyn’s unexpected success in Britain’s general election last year, when he only narrowly lost the popular vote, most of the Labour parliamentary party are back, determined to bring him down. And once again, they are being joined by the corporate media in full battle cry.
Last week, Corbyn was a Soviet spy. This week we’re in more familiar territory, even if it has a new twist: Corbyn is not only a friend to anti-semites, it seems, but now he has been outed as a closet one himself.

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal Could Provide Hard Evidence of “Israeli” Meddling in Trump Election

With the US Federal Trade Commission set to broke Facebook’s role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal and with Mark Zuckerberg facing calls to testify before the British Parliament, it would seem that as the elites begin fighting among themselves, the truth of their appalling treatment of the ordinary people across the world will become increasingly apparent.

Russia Suggests UK Possessed Nerve Agent That Is “Quite Artificially” Being Linked to Moscow

LONDON – Russian officials are voicing a full-throated dismissal of British accusations that Russia used a nerve agent referred to as “Novichok” in an attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The Russian Ambassador to the U.K., Alexander Yakovenko, is further charging London with making accusations in poor faith, while raising questions over whether the poison was already in the possession of the British government.

Death and Impunity: Iraq Fifteen Years After

It might have made a bit more than a whimper had the US political scene not found itself in yet another paroxysm of the drama known as the Trump White House.  Fifteen years before, governments aligning with the dogs of war decided, in defiance of millions of protestors globally, to invade a sovereign state.  Papers cheered with blood lust; propagandists and public relations firms were hired to push the politics of regime change in a country that was already hemmed in by sanctions and surveillance.

Russiagate, Corbyn and the Crimes of the Corporate Media

Anti-Russia hysteria reached parodical proportions in the 'mainstream' media in the wake of the Sergei Skripol 'novichok' incident in recent days but what this burlesque spectacle actually reveals is the toxic interdependence between the corporate state and the corporate media - the operative word there being 'corporate' - exposing how they always work together to sweep us all along on a tide of fast-rising nationalistic fervour into the next geopolitically convenient conflict.

Four days to declare a Cold War

The week that has just ended was exceptionally rich in events. But no media were able to report it, because they had all deliberately masked certain of their number in order to protect the story that was being woven by their government. London had attempted to provoke a major conflict, but lost to Russia, President Trump and Syria.
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