Idiocy Is Bringing The End Of The World

People in Ghouta, doctors in Ghouta, and Russian experts who have arrived on the scene report that there is no sign of any chemical attack. Not only did Syria not use chemical weapons against the civilians that it liberated, there was no chemical attack, not even a false flag one staged by the US supported mercenaries who have been driven out of Ghouta by the Syrian Army. In other words, the chemical attack is entirely a hoax.

Wheels of war are already in motion: Mainstream media should try to stop it, but will it?

The OPCW announced that it will dispatch a team of experts at the invitation of Syrian Arab Republic to investigate the incident. This is promising. The real question now is: Will chemical weapons inspectors arrive in Damascus before Trump's cruise missiles?
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For many Aboriginal people, the Commonwealth Games, previously the British Empire Games, represents the continuing legacy of settler-colonialism in this country. It is an opportunity to raise our voices on the world stage - to show how the colonial project is still alive in the lived experience of Aboriginal people, from the black jailing rates, to the skyrocketing rates of child removal, to the life expectancy gaps, to homelessness, and poverty and violence.

Douma Chemical Attack: Another Link in the Chain of Staged Provocations

It would be naïve to think that the chemical attack in Syria and the Skripal scandal are two separate events. They are links in the same chain. With the spy poisoning case leading nowhere, the anti-Russia campaign needs a new impetus. The alleged CW attack is a good pretext to spur the efforts.
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How Sloppy Work by the FBI – and the Press – Led to 30 Suicides

Operation Ore caused a press sensation when it began in 2002, probing what was thought to be a huge secret network of child pornography users. It ended up mired in controversy about the unjust targeting of innocent men, some of whom lost access to their children while others – some reports say as many as 30 – took their own lives.

Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control

There is nothing sadder and more pathetic, than a notorious liar shouting, spitting saliva, insulting normal people left and right, while terrorizing those who are telling the truth.
Lately, the West has gone clearly berserk. The more it is scared of losing control over the brains of billions of people in all corners of the world, the more aggressively it is screaming, kicking and making a fool of itself.

Russia Warns Britain Will Be ‘Sorry’ Over Poisoning Accusations

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In a speech at the UN Security Council, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told Britain “you’ll be sorry,” over allegations that Russia was behind the Salisbury poisonings. The British government has been blaming Russia for the poisoning for a solid month now. Proof has been very elusive, however, with British scientists at Porton Down admitting earlier […]

Where is the Evidence?

“Last week, following the brazen attempt by Russia to assassinate one of its former spies and his daughter in Britain with a chemical weapon, 27 countries expelled more than 150 Russian diplomats.”
Thus William J. Burns, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (sic), begins “Putin Has Overplayed His Hand,” an op-ed that the New York Times published, as part of its ferocious retro (one might say “Germanic”) propaganda drive to sharpen the mass appetite for war (of some kind) against Russia.

What’s in a Word?

Jeremy Corbyn is currently enduring yet another well-organised smear campaign based on his alleged support for “anti-Semitism”. Although the allegation is too ridiculous for words, the smear campaign is nevertheless enjoying some success for two main reasons, each of which is pretty serious – yet neither one has any rational foundation that’s capable of withstanding even basic critical examination.

Britain Can’t Prove Russia Was Behind Skripal Poisoning

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Weeks of repeatedly blaming Russia for the Skripal poisonings is starting to look pretty embarrassing for the British government. Today, scientists at Porton Down said they were unable to say where the poison actually came from. That’s a big problem, as British officials have long insisted that the poison was Russian in origin. The scientists would […]