Water industry says public ownership is no longer popular – 3 reasons not to trust them

The SMF report isn't valid, so the polling isn't valid. So we'll stick with the polling from the Legatum Institute which says that 83% of us want public ownership of water.
Water privatisation is an 'organised rip-off' according to the FT. And we’ll be taking back OUR water as soon as we can.
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Soft Brexits and Hard Realities: The Tory Revolt

It was meant to be an away day at Chequers in total hermetic isolation, an effort on the part of UK Prime Minister Theresa May to sketch some common ground in a cabinet that has struggled to agree on much regarding the imminent departure of Britain from the European Union.  The clock is ticking, for many ominously, with the departure date slated for March 29, 2019.

BBC Misrepresent OPCW Report to Uphold UK FCO Narrative on Douma

Video – thanks to Skwawkbox who managed to record the original BBC report making the claim that “chlorine was used” in Douma… we have clear evidence of the BBC either lying outright or being unable to read the OPCW report correctly. The BBC later changed the headline on their report to read ” Syria war: ‘Possible chlorine’ at Douma attack […]
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Syria – OPCW Issues First Report Of ‘Chemical Weapon Attack’ in Douma

On April 7 2018 Syrian ‘rebels’ claimed that the Syrian government used chlorine gas and Sarin in an attack on the besieged Douma suburb near capital Damascus. They published a series of videos which showed the dead bodies of mainly women and children. During the night the incident allegedly happened Douma was hit with artillery and air strikes in retaliation […]

20-Foot-Tall Trump Baby Blimp Gets OK to Fly Over London During President’s Visit

(CD) — Citizens of the world have shown throughout the past year and five months that there is no shortage of unique ways to peacefully register outrage against deeply unpopular U.S. President Donald Trump, and on Thursday London Mayor Sadiq Khan decided that flying a 20-foot-tall Trump baby blimp is just one of the “many different forms” dissent can take. As Sky News reports, Khan’s […]

Another UK Couple Poisoned by Same Nerve Agent Used on Ex-Russian Spy

(ZHE Op-ed) —  Update 1: And here come the ‘Russians did it’ allegations… Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said the substance which has left two people critically ill in Amesbury was nerve agent Novichok. The same agent that was allegedly used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal just a few miles away (who miraculously survived […]

“Propaganda organization”: White Helmets “engage in anti-Assad activities”

Although some members of the Western-supported White Helmets may be in the business of saving lives, the group is also a “propaganda organization,” author Sy Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir) has told RT’s Going Underground.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist also spoke about reporting in the United States and how it changed under the Obama administration, as well as the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, UK.