
The perils of ‘near-tabloid science’

by Judith Curry
A remarkable essay by  esteemed oceanographer Carl Wunsch.

While doing a literature survey for my paper on Climate Uncertainty and Risk, I came across a remarkable paper published in 2010 by MIT oceanographer Carl Wunsch, entitled Towards Understanding the Paleocean.
The paper is remarkable for several reasons — not only  that it was published but that the paper was apparently invited by journal editor.

GOP candidates win several primaries, while Democrats fragment

Republicans and Democrats held primary elections in seven states on June 26: New York, Colorado, Maryland, Oklahoma, Utah, South Carolina and Mississippi, the last two states being runoff primaries. Predictions for the November 2018 midterm elections have projected a wave of Democrat victories, perhaps enough to reclaim both the Senate (which only needs two GOP losses) and the House (which needs 30 Democrat victories).
The polling still indicates a likely swing in at least the Senate to Democrat control, but the results of the primaries seem to show something different.

How the US election result could trigger a society of empathy

For those shocked by the election result, anger and blame may be convenient ways to make sense of it. But Charles Eisenstein, who predicted Trump’s victory, says that in this time of uncertainty there is an opportunity for empathy to drive a new political storyThe post How the US election result could trigger a society of empathy appeared first on Positive News.