‘US withdraws from the world’ is Trump making it great or irrelevant again?

Donald Trump promised Americans he would make the US great again, a center of a world that is becoming increasingly multipolar, yet the US appears to be withdrawing from the world at an alarming rate.
The US has found itself increasingly alienated from its traditional allies (and some would say vassals) in the EU.

Vassals no longer: Merkel, Macron advocate European sovereignty

OPCW Given Power to “Assign Blame”- They Don't Need No Stinkin' Evidence!

Let’s see ...Blame Assad for alleged chemical attacks in SyriaBlame Putin for Salisbury “attacks”No real evidence necessary- When trial by public opinion serves it's purpose so well.I'm disheartened about this change coming so close to the good news out of Syria just yesterday

Fisk: This Moment in History- The US Gives Up on Assad Overthrow


EU leaders fail to identify ‘European solution’ to migration crisis at informal meeting

On Sunday, an informal meeting was hosted in Brussels at the request of (for now) German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tackle the issue of migration and to potentially identify a ‘European solution’.
Merkel is between a rock and a hard spot over the migration issue as it threatens to split her governmental coalition, and Merkel’s position as Chancellor.

Western intervention obstructs peace in Africa

It’s no secret that foreign interventions have been helping to create and stoke conflicts all over the over world, but most famously in the Middle East, as the US has armed and trained proxy forces known as ‘moderates’ to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. However, these sorts of activities are conducted in other nations and on other continents as well. In Africa, conflicts are often initiated and prolonged over economic interests tied to Africa’s natural resources.