Usrael Kurd Oil Deals and Tanker Attacks

Syrian Kurd Oil Deals and Tanker AttacksMultiple media outlets were claiming that the US led coalition launched an airstrike at oil tankers while the Kurdish meida reported they participated in targeting the tankers with machine gun fire and anti tank missiles- mentioned below. The online dis-info crowd claimed this was just Turkish propaganda- It seemed to me there was a little more to the reports then those advancing limited hangout claims.

Syria/ Idlib: No Fly Zone Negotiations,Turkey, Russia, PKK & Operation Claw....

First up,  Idlib & Syria as a whole :I've maintained that the Idlib operation is limited in scope. Time wise. Geographically. There is a specific goal. ( Securing highways- talked about this numerous times) Once attained the operation will stop. A whole pile of Idlib posts will be relinked at the bottom of this latest report.1:   US Official: Russia Unlikely to Support Full-Scale Offensive on Syria's Idlib