Birth Pangs of the New Middle East Sitrep: Russia, Syria, Turkey, US, EU etc.,

So, the regional remake is being rebranded Birth Pangs ala Condoleeza Rice during the Bush Administration and I'm going to create a new label as well. 1 : The US Will NOT Assist Turkey in undertaking any type of retaliatory strikes- Not a surprise. And yes, I'm tired of the bogus claims that the US and Turkey are working together in the context this is commonly presented in.

Talking About Idlib With Hubby Today... Updates Inc.

 Geo politics is one of my favourite topics. Much to hubby’s consternation at times. Though he is my number one sounding board for this blog, since I started here in 08. And yah, we’ve been married for much longer then that!   Anyway, while driving in the car today we got to have a really good hashing out about what each of us thinks is occurring.Hubby said “It’s hard to understand the situation entirely”Sure enough it is. However he continued with these thoughts.

Russia/ Turkey Meetings Outcomes Unknown. Russia and Turkey Bombing One Another? Or Just More Spin?

   Disinfohedge (Zero Hedge) and other "alt media" sites are pushing the insinuation about rebels firing on Russian planes- I'm reminded of Winston Churchill's words >>>Disnfo Hedge- always a body guard to lies in service of liars/warmongers and regional reshapers.But, I digress..........Very, very obviously Turkey and Russia are seriously attempting to work out some sort of arrangement  regarding Idlib as talks contin

Russian and Turkish forces run new joint patrol in rural Al-Darbasiyah


Syrian Observatory sources report that Russian and Turkish forces conducted a new joint patrol in Al-Darbasiyah countryside. Four Russian vehicles and four Turkish others started from Sherik crossing on the border with Turkey and toured the villages of Dalik, Malak, Zahr Al-Arab, Kasra, Qayrawan,Ta’allak, Karkund, Hajughli, Otayshan and Qurmaniyah, then they returned to Sherik again. A Russian helicopter flying at low altitude escorted the patrol.

Earlier today:

“The Limits of Relying on Disagreement Between Moscow, Ankara”

 If you prefer irrationality, (the quality of being illogical or unreasonable) which is bizarre (strange or unusual), this is not the oped for you.  So much of the information in the oped has been covered here for many years. Including Turkey's cooperation with Syria and Russia to clear Aleppo city, back in 2016... Yup, there are a number of reports covering that reality here at PFYT's. They will be relinked. Sane non sensational oped from aawsat @ Akram Bunni