Coronavirus: Top Government Scientist Neil Ferguson (tested positive for Covid) resigns from SAGE after breaking lockdown rules

I don't really care who came calling. That's NOT the reason this news is being posted.  Though I will say apparently this woman, who has a husband and two children, was unconcerned about the "viral pandemic" Or her children's well being?Telegraph

The Post-Human World

What is tr@nshumanism? How do we understand the push for a post-industrial world? In this video I outline the meaning of terms, who invented them, what circles they were part of and how to understand their writings in terms of future projections. We cover Charles Galton Darwin, Bernays, the Huxleys and more. Please be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe.

John Birch’s Body Should Still Be a Mouldering in the Grave

The Trump administration, which is fast becoming a regime, has dusted off some old tracts of the anti-Communist John Birch Society to reignite the far-right’s war against the United Nations, including the World Health Organization (WHO). To paraphrase the old U.S. Civil War song about slavery abolitionist John Brown – whose body was rejoiced as “a mouldering in the grave” – the body of John Birch, for whom the John Birch Society was named, should also be left “a mouldering in the grave.”

Short Film: No It’s Not God (It’s Just Bill Gates)

If you haven’t yet noticed, Microsoft founder and billionaire oligarch Bill Gates is everywhere right now, hoping to leverage the current chaos to advance his life’s work to vaccinate every man woman and child on the planet earth. The closer you look at this globalist billionaire and transnational corporate network, the more bizarre and frightening it becomes.

Truthstream Media presents “Look Who’s Coming to the Rescue!”

Corona: The Collapse of the System

Hattippin Yaya-  Who has this featured at the top/right of her blog site Link The video is German with English subtitles- it's worth reading. I've already done so!  It's related to the previous posts which covered the impending collapse of the stock markets and the cover that Covid-1984 gives to bail out the usual suspects/crony capitalist and the like.

Russophobia Immune to Global Solidarity

“Fiddling while Rome burned” was how historians cast the ineffectual Roman emperor Nero when the ancient city was consumed by flames in 64 AD. The same expression could now apply to certain Western states, ideologues and pundits regarding the present coronavirus pandemic.
One would think that given the global emergency it would be entirely apposite to put aside antipathies and hostilities in order to work together as common human beings motivated by solidarity, compassion and a sense of survival. Lamentably, and bizarrely, this seems not to be the case.

Covid "Pandemic" Brought to You by WHO Pandemic Definition Change- Numbers of Dead Too Low?

 Long time readers here may recall that just prior to the "swine flu pandemic" the World Health Organization changed their definition of pandemic. This change in definition that took place more then a decade ago, made it possible for the WHO to label the Swine Flu of '09 a pandemic. It wasn't. This change also made it possible for them to claim Covid is a pandemic as well. So far it's looking much like the swine flu pandemic, which didn't manifest and might explain why it's being claimed the numbers of dead are too low.