UK Labour Party

UK Labour Party in Grip of Zionist Inquisition

The orchestrated smear campaign against pro-Palestine sympathisers sent me reaching for my pen. But Gilad Atzmon too was eyeing the Labour Party’s crazed witch hunt for “antisemites” with misgiving and had already declared, in his usual robust way, that Labour under Jeremy Corbyn was not so much a party as a piece of Zionist-occupied territory.

Toppling Leaders: The Efforts of the UK Right-Wing to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn

Far too many people were knocked sideways, waking up the morning after Britain’s general election last May, hearing that the Tories had ‘won’ the election?  That the majority was small and that they had done it on the support of less than 25% of the electorate was no comfort. What hurt was that the country faced five years of unchecked Tory ideology, favouring the rich by hitting the rest.

Building the Fight against Britain’s Austerity

The Rally involving Yanis was immensely successful in moving the debate about austerity forward into a discussion about how we can not only oppose the attack on our welfare state, but as importantly, how we can create the society we need… a tremendous achievement.”
— Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell
Why is so little hope growing among so many riches?
— Yanis Varoufakis

Nuclear War and Corbyn: The Fury and the Farce

Last month, 250,000 party members voted Jeremy Corbyn leader of the Labour party, ‘the largest mandate ever won by a Party Leader.’ The combined might of the political and media establishment had fought and lost its Stalingrad, having bombarded Corbyn with every conceivable smear in a desperate attempt to wreck his reputation with the British public. The more extreme the attacks, the more people caught on.

Guardian‘s Terrible Dilemma over Corbyn

In autumn 2002 the Observer newspaper’s correspondent Ed Vulliamy found confirmation of a terrible truth many of us already suspected. In a world-exclusive, he persuaded Mel Goodman, a former senior CIA official who still had security clearance at the Agency, to go on record that the CIA knew there were no WMD in Iraq. Everything the US and British governments were telling us to justify the coming attack on Iraq were lies.

Overcoming Fabianism in Labour’s Class War of Attrition

Last week a new leader of the British Labour Party was chosen. Already the chimes can be heard from the belfries of thousands of Labour parishes, with coronation eulogies published in the journals of political dissent. The abdication of the Miliband dynasty would seem to herald the end of New Labour’s reign of terror begun when Thatcher acolyte, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair kissed hands in 1997.

Labour’s Lost Soul: the UK and the Labour Party Leadership Election

I’ve done it, pushed out my boat on to uncharted seas and voted for Jeremy Corbyn to be leader of Britain’s Labour Party.  I thought I should do it before the notorious ‘they’ took away my chance to vote because I wasn’t a genuine Labour supporter.  I support Corbyn because of the policies he wants to push through, policies that used to represent the Labour Party.  It was what was ‘genuine’ about Labour.  But no more.

UK Labour Party leadership contest: Could Corbyn save the good ship Britannia from the wrecking crew?

Labour leadership contenders: Andy Burnham, Liz Kendall, Jeremy Corbyn, Yvette Cooper Photo: Agency
by Stuart Littlewood
The comedians of the British political ‘establishment’ are out in force desperately trying to block Jeremy Corbyn, who is streaking ahead in the Labour Party leadership race and leaving his rivals spluttering in total disarray.

Britain’s Labour Party: Elect Jeremy Corbyn as Leader and Win the Next Election

What is it with Britain’s Labour Party? There is a surge in party membership, and this is a worry for the men in suits in the Westminster bubble! Why? People, particularly the young, are energized by the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn becoming its leader.  Here is a man of principle who believes in what he says, not encumbered by spin and focus groups that have been the obsession of the Labour Party for so long.