UK Foreign Policy

It was the Blair and Bush, not Saddam Hussein, who lied about Iraq’s WMDs

It was the Blair and Bush, not Saddam Hussein, who lied about Iraq’s WMDsby Ian SinclairMorning Star21 December 2020 As the famous quote – commonly attributed to US writer Mark Twain – goes: “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”. It shouldn’t be surprising, then, […]

How the media ignores the deadly impacts of UK military intervention

How the media ignores the deadly impacts of UK military interventionby Ian SinclairMorning Star24 November 2020 US journalist Glenn Greenwald’s tweet declaring he has “never encountered any group more driven by group think and rank-closing than British journalism” is an evergreen observation. It’s especially accurate during times of war, with the air campaign waged by […]

BBC Document and the reality of UK foreign policy

BBC Document and the reality of UK foreign policyby Ian SinclairMorning Star12 October 2020 In the introduction to his first book, The Ambiguities of Power: British Foreign Policy Since 1945, historian Mark Curtis notes two broad approaches are available to those attempting to understand British foreign affairs. “In the first, one can rely on the […]

Book review. War in the Age of Trump: The Defeat of Isis, the Fall of the Kurds, the Conflict with Iran

Book review. War in the Age of Trump: The Defeat of Isis, the Fall of the Kurds, the Conflict with Iranby Ian SinclairPeace NewsAugust 2020 Currently writing for the Independent and the London Review of Books, Patrick Cockburn is one of the most experienced foreign correspondents working in the Middle East today. His latest book is largely made […]

The elite versus the public: the struggle over UK foreign policy

The elite versus the public: the struggle over UK foreign policy by Ian Sinclair Peace News August 2020 After interviewing more than 36 senior officials in the Johnson and Nixon administrations for The War Within, his 1994 book about the movement against the Vietnam War, US historian Tom Wells concluded that ‘the movement played a major […]

Neil Clark and other ‘anti-maskers’ vs. the scientific evidence and public wellbeing

Neil Clark and other ‘anti-maskers’ vs. the scientific evidence and public wellbeing by Ian Sinclair Medium 25 July 2020 There is a small, but vocal group of people who are strongly opposed to the wearing of masks to reduce the transmission of Covid-19. One of the most prominent ‘anti-maskers’ is Neil Clark, a self-professed socialist writer and […]

Rebutting Tory attack lines: Trident nuclear weapons

Rebutting Tory attack lines: Trident nuclear weapons
by Ian Sinclair

Morning Star
21 November 2019
During Labour’s game changing 2017 general election campaign it is worth remembering one particularly difficult moment for Jeremy Corbyn – when he was questioned by the audience and presenter David Dimbleby about whether he would press the “nuclear button” during BBC Question Time’s Leader’s Special.