UK COVID-19 Rules/Regulations

No 10 lockdown parties: Why the media are complicit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s head is on the chopping block. Each day, the media digs up more embarrassing details of parties hosted at his No 10 residence or other government buildings, in flagrant violation of strict lockdown rules enforced on the rest of the country. Ostensibly, the current furore creates the impression that Britain […]

One Drinks Party Too Many: Boris Johnson and Breaching Lockdowns

It might not be quite within the bounds of good taste to compare military calculations of a bridge too far – the title used in Cornelius Ryan’s work on the disastrous Allied airborne operation during the Second World War – with the latest foolish, mendacious and buffoonish efforts of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but […]

Forbidden Parties: Boris Johnson’s Law on Illegal Covid Gatherings

It was meant to be time to reflect. The eager arms of a new pandemic were enfolding a society with asphyxiating, lethal effect.  Public health authorities advocated various measures: social distancing, limited contact between family and friends, limited mobility.  No grand booze-ups.  No large parties.  No bonking, except within dispensations of intimacy and various “bubble” […]