
Fighting for a Green New Deal-- in the Heart of Texas

-by Mike SiegelMy friend Harvey Hayek is a vintage Texan. A third generation pecan farmer in Fayette County, he owns a gun club, hundreds of prime agricultural acres on the Texas Colorado River, and a bottomless store of homespun stories. Unfortunately, the most compelling of these relates to a coal plant that opened next door, forty years ago, and destroyed Harvey’s livelihood-- and almost his life.Harvey’s farm is a stone’s throw from the Fayette Coal Plant, a publicly-owned power plant built in the late 1970s.

Is The Climate Crisis Important Enough To You So That It Will Help Determine Who You Vote For In 2020?

Mike Siegel, the progressive candidate running for the Austin-to-Houston area corridor seat (TX-10) shakily occupied by Trump enabler Michael McCaul, put the above video together as part of his campaign to bring Texans along on the Green New Deal. It's worth listening and watching. About a month ago, Mike did a guest post here about the Climate Crisis town-hall he organized for September 21 and how environmental, labor and youth groups can work together to pass this existential program.

Bipartisanship Can Be Great-- Or It Can Be Horrific... Michael McCaul (R-TX) & Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX) Prefer The Horrific Variety

When Blue Dogs and Republicans Get Together, Only Bad Can Come Of ItAmericans love bipartisanship. When Long Island Republican Peter King signed on as the first Republican cosponsor of the bill to ban the sale of assault weapons, he may have been the only Republican to do so-- but he was joining Tom Suozzi, a Democrat in the Long Island district just north of his.

"Texodous" Is A Real Thing Now-- McCaul Doesn't Want Anything To Do With It

"Texodous" isn't in any dictionaries yet; it's just being written about and discussed by talking heads... and it's a hashtag on Twitter. But for Texas Republicans it's frightening real. Texas is hemorrhaging congressional Republicans. Last year the Democrats stumbled into two victories over "entrenched" GOP incumbents.

Mike Siegel Is Working To Begin The Green New Deal In Texas

On September 21, at Huston-Tillotson University, an historically-black college in Austin, progressive congressional candidate Mike Siegel convenes a conference on the Green New Deal with representatives from political organizations, youth and environmental movements and labor unions to address dealing with the climate crisis.

When Push Comes To Shove, Who's Going To Stand Tall-- And Who's Going To Hide Under Their Bed? Mike Siegel: "I Stand With Ilhan"

Mike Siegel's gerrymandered Texas district (PVI is R+9 and Trump beat Hillary 52.3% to 43.2%) was considered too red for the DCCC last year-- so they ignored it. Mike Siegel ran an entirely grassroots campaign based on progressive issues-- never anything remotely Republican-lite. Michael McCaul, long-time right-wing incumbent and one of the wealthiest men in Congress, outspent him $1,754,122 to $477,926.

How About Flipping 10 Seats In Texas Next Year? Not Impossible

Last cycle, just as election fever started revving up, the DCCC's regional vice chair for Texas, quit. Ben Ray Lujan and his lame reactionary staffers were overjoyed that they weren't going to have a disrupter sticking his nose into "their business." He promised to fill the empty seat quickly. But never even tried. The regional vice chair for the West Coast, Ted Lieu, flipped 7 seats.

Blue America's First Texas 2020 Endorsement-- Mike Siegel Declares His Candidacy Today

Mike Siegel ran in 2018 in Texas' 10th district-- and he just announced he's running again... starting now. Last time he held entrenched Republican multimillionaire Michael McCaul down to a 51.1% win in a district with an R+9 PVI and where Trump beat Hillary 52-43%. The shift towards Mike Siegel in 2018 was 15 points, one of the strongest in Texas.