
Antiwar.com Newsletter | May 5, 2013


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This week’s top news:
Hagel: US Considering Arming Syria Rebels: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel became the first US official to admit that the administration is "rethinking" its previous decision not to arm Syria’s rebels directly, though he insisted that no decision had been made and this was just one option being considered.

Bomb explodes in Dagestan. Russia. You know Boston Bombings???

Bomb explodes in busy shopping area of Dagestan .Interesting timing? Considering the Boston false flag? Considering allegations of links between Boston patsy and Dagestan?Considering Russian round ups? Considering ‘resets’? Early warnings?Considering the already dead ( for nearly a year) Canadian man who is today being  linked to Tsarnaev. He,William Plotnikov, who allegedly who went to Dagestan but was killed by Russian Security Forces while there?