Humiliation and Herd-Think

Libertarian stand-up comic Doug Stanhope has said: “Nationalism does nothing but teach you to hate people you never met, and to take pride in accomplishments you had no part in.” I would only quibble with the “nothing but” part. The collectivist herd-think that is nationalism also teaches you to take offense at imagined insults that […]
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Could you by chance be a terrorist? I dunno, you look kind of suspicious -- let's tally up your terrorist points!

The Interceptby KenI originally thought of springing this on you on April Fool's Day, but worried that you would think it was some sort of April Fool's joke, demanding to know whether you could by chance be a terrorist. Sorry, buster, this is no joke. Or are you one of those terrorist-loving Islamofascist-lovers who would like nothing better than to see us patriotic Americans let down our guard? Get real there, friend.

$1 Billion TSA Behavioral Screening Program Slammed as Ineffective “Junk Science”

AllGov | March 23, 2015 The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been accused of spending a billion dollars on a passenger-screening program that’s based on junk science. The claim arose in a lawsuit (pdf) filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has tried unsuccessfully to get the TSA to release documents on its […]

Philadelphia Man Sues After Video Evidence Proves False Arrest on Terrorism Charges

By Andrew Meyer | PINAC | February 4, 2015 Roger Vanderklok only wanted to file a complaint. Instead, he was taken to jail. After being questioned by Transportation Security Administration workers at Philadelphia International Airport about some PowerBars and a watch in his bag, Vanderklok was accosted by TSA supervisor Charles Kieser. When Vanderklok asked […]