TSA: US Residents from 9 States Will Need Passports for Domestic Flights

This latest move by America’s notorious Transportation Security Authority (TSA) seems to be step one in a move towards a national ID Card, complete with biometrics and embedded RFID technology.
By forcing residents of nine states to get passports in order to board domestic flights, the TSA is de facto pushing those states towards the implementation of a new state-of-the-art ID card system.
This will help to give real teeth to the ‘The Real ID Act’
It’s just the next phase in the further militarization of US society.

TSA facial biometric body scanners and government watchlists being used in train stations

MassPrivatel | August 22, 2017 The TSA is winning the war on Americans minds as commuters are being tricked into giving away their rights without a fight. The above video warns that facial recognition body scanners are coming to a train station near you… “Soon you might have to pass through one of these to […]

Has the TSA Actually Become Bearable?

No one loves the TSA. At all. It’s totally inefficient, very badly managed, and would be much better if it was privatized. It is the worst part of traveling, even more so than flying with a crying baby and a snoring man (which was my last flight). But this is the way it is right now, and it doesn’t look like it’ll change soon. So, without giving up the fight to make big strides to improve the TSA, perhaps we should also look at the little ways some airports are taking entrepreneurship as far as they can on their own.

12 TSA Agents Just Indicted for Smuggling $100 Million Worth of Cocaine

(ANTIMEDIA) The Department of Justice announced Monday that 12 former and current TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) employees were indicted for smuggling 20 tons, or $100 million worth of cocaine out of Puerto Rico over the course of an 18-year operation. This is not the first time TSA agents have been caught running drugs or breaking other laws.

6 Stories More Infuriating Than A Football Player Not Standing Up During A Song

(ANTIMEDIA) San Francisco 49er’s quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines this week for not standing during the national anthem at a preseason NFL game against the Green Bay Packers. Predictably, outraged Americans have spewed vitriol in Kaepernick’s direction ever since he engaged in his benign protest. Former fans of the 2011 2nd round draft pick have taken their emotional fury to social media to show their disapproval of the quarterback’s action (or lack thereof).