MP3 Speech at Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania Conference

On Saturday, I gave a talk at the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party state convention.  There were so many great folks there and it was a pleasure to speak to a savvy, friendly audience.  Richard Schwarz did a pitch-perfect introduction that set the tone for the talk.  It’s hard not to like a guy who is always wearing a Phillies baseball cap.

I Was Harassed, Wrongfully Detained, Then Had “Evidence” Planted On Me At the Airport

By Eric Striker • National Justice • January 9, 2020 It all started yesterday evening when I arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport in the rustbelt township of Moon, Pennsylvania for a flight to Boston. I approached the Kiosk to print my ticket and immediately got an error, asking I go get my boarding pass from […]

Episode 352 – The TSA (and other experiments in evil)

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode352-lq.mp3"][/audio]In 1961, a psychologist conducted an experiment demonstrating how ordinary men and women could be induced to inflict torture on complete strangers merely because an authority figure had ordered them to do so. In 2001, the United States government formed the Transportation Security Administration to subject hundreds of millions of air travelers to increasingly humiliating and invasive searches and pat downs.

TSA Defends Orwellian Secretive Domestic Surveillance Program

The TSA has broken its silence to defend its alarming domestic surveillance program called “Quiet Skies” which allows the agency to use teams of armed Air Marshals to follow, track and surveil virtually anyone. TSA administrator David Pekoske told CBS news in a recent interview that the program “…makes an awful lot of sense, to be able to look at some risks that we think exist on certain flights and put air marshals on those flights.”

TSA Says Armed Surveillance of Americans When They Fly ‘Makes a Lot of Sense’

(ZHE) — The TSA has broken its silence to defend its alarming domestic surveillance program called “Quiet Skies” which allows the agency to use teams of armed Air Marshals to follow, track and surveil virtually anyone. TSA administrator David Pekoske told CBS news in a recent interview that the program “…makes an awful lot of sense, to be able to look at […]