Trump's wall

Trump's Wall And Judges-- A Couple Of Petards Of Theirs The GOP Got Hoist On This Week

In his war against humanity, Señor Trumpanzee took some fire yesterday from his own side. On Fox and Fiends a neo-Nazi pundit, Michelle Malkin, who is known on the far right fringes, said "Well, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m not going to spin it. I wish I could but I can’t. This is a cave. This was a blink." She was talking about Trump backing down from shutting the government after he was told he isn't getting any money for the wall the American Nazis want to build.

Shutting Down The Government Is Now A Game Of Chicken For Trumpanzee

A friend of mine used to be in business with one of Trump's lawyers. He told my friend and my friend told me a funny story. Lawyers hate working for Trump and not only because he doesn't pay his bill. This particular lawyer told him that among lawyers who have worked for Trump this is fairly common. He and Trump would be their way to court.

Republican RINOs and Democrats Betray American Taxpayers with $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill

US: Republican-In-Name-Only (RINOs) have sold out their constituents once again as they prepare to pass the enormously bloated $1.3 trillion, 2,232-page omnibus budget that they have not even read. It is loaded with hand-outs by big spenders - Republicans and Democrats alike. Politics as usual while the nation staggers under the increasing load. [...]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahLike any sane American, I would hate to see my money being spent on a useless Trump Wall on the Mexican border. It's only reason for being will be to hand our taxpayer dollars to contractors who have a relationship with the Trump Crime Family. The kickbacks and handouts will be as huge as the wall itself.The wall I can support would be the one that encloses Señor Trumpanzee for the rest of his miserable days.

The Ugly Racist Fake President Who Wants To Deport People Of Color

Neither Will Hurd (R-TX) nor Pete Aguilar (New Dem-CA) are very popular in their districts and, frankly, neither deserves reelection. A Democrat is likely to beat Hurd, although the DCCC and the Castro Machine have its fingers on the scale for a worthless Blue Dog in South Texas. And it will take some time before a progressive is in position to primary Aguilar in the Inland Empire. They’re both useless back-benchers from overwhelmingly Hispanic districts and this week they co-sponsored a DACA compromise-- a “discussion draft” ahead of Trump’s January 19 deadline.