Trump's wall

Some People Know How To Respond To Trump's Barrage Of Lies Better Than Others Do

I thought both Pelosi and Schumer made decent responses to Trump's failed, low-energy Oval Office speech, you remember, the one last night where he  unsuccessfully made a half-assed attempt to rally Americans to his vanity wall. Bernie's response-- the video above-- was clearer and better. He also used the word "lie," something Chuck and Nancy were too delicate to do.

National Emergency: White Evangelicals-- They Only Feel Safe In Their Self-Satisfied Bigotry Behind Big Strong Walls

The video above is a brief talk almost a decade ago (2009) by one of America's most brilliant political theorists, Wendy Brown, a U.C., Berkeley professor, one of whose specialties is canonical political theory, and who, at the time of the video, was finishing top work on her 2010 book, Walled States, Waning Sovereignty. Obama, you'll recall, was still early in his first term when she made the video-- and was writing that book. Trump was still just a bankrupt TV clown scrambling for a few bucks wherever he could get it.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSure, I'd rather have someone else pay for Trump's monument to xenophobia and racism but I, like millions of others, would rather not have any further wall building at all since it's not needed. After all, Trump and his republikook brethren don't need a wall to show the world how bigoted they are in every aspect of their lives. We already know all too well.

Will Closing The Border Lead To Trump's Impeachment?

Saluda al Jefe!Republican Will Hurd's recent reelection wasn't exactly overwhelming. In the end, he beat a very weak Democratic opponent 103,285 (49.2%) to 102,359 (48.7%) in an R+1 district where Hillary beat Trump 49.8% to 46.4%. The district has-- by far-- the longest border with Mexico (over 800 miles) of any district in America.