Trump's wall

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhen Tony Schwartz wrote The Art Of The Deal for Donald Trump, he could have saved a lot of time and just made tonight's meme into a postcard. Punctuation inconsistencies aside, the ideas expressed represent a modus operandi that Trump has lived by while attempting to make most of what he calls his "deals" during all of his disgusting and destructive life.

Freshman Members-- Already Showing Who They Are-- And They're Not All Like AOC

Jeff Van Drew, Mikie Sherrill, Anthony Brindisi-- which will be the House's next Kyrsten Sinema?Last week, before announcing the $15 minimum wage bill, Pelosi had a meeting with her leadership team. The team now includes two elected representatives of the freshman class, one progressive, Joe Neguse (CO) and one New Dem, Katie Hill (CO).

We Know Trump Didn't Write A Word Of The Art Of The Deal, But Did He Ever Read It?

Congressional caucuses often invite special guest speakers Last week Ted Lieu organized for the House Democrats on the uses of social media, featuring Alexandria Ocasio and a rep from Twitter. It went over so well-- and standing room only-- that they're following up with sessions devoted to effective use of Facebook, Instagram, etc. Smart.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Well, sort of Sunday thoughts. I haven't used a clip for the Midnight Meme Of The Day very often but tonight's meme is based on the biblical story of a wall, the wall that once surrounded Jericho to keep it safe from undesirables and other foreigners. We all know what happened to that wall in that story. In fact there's a song about the wall and how it came tumbling down. The Parody Project has, as you can see and hear in the clip, adapted the tale to our modern times.

Public Sentiment Against Trump's Government Shutdown Grows-- But So Does Anxiety From Freshmen In The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

First Dem (New Dem) who wants to give in to Trump's blackmail & hostage-takingOver the weekend, the Wall Street Journal published a piece by Natalie Andrews and Kristina Peterson, Wall Impasse Frustrates Many Newly Elected House Democrats, about how the conservaDem freshmen recruited and backed by the DCCC are m

Who's To Blame When Parties Really Get Out Of Hand?

This morning, ABC News and the Washington Post released a new national poll that should serve as a warning for congressional Republicans: voters blame them (and Trump of course) for the shutdown and are very much not buying the national emergency bullshit. And by a wide enough margin to signal it could be electorally relevant. In short, "53% say Trump and the Republicans are mainly at fault, and 29% blame the Democrats in Congress.

The Longest Government Shutdown In American History-- A Crisis Of The Heart And A Crisis Of The Soul

When Trump invited Chuck and Nancy Over to the White House so he could chop up some Adderall and snort it up, he no doubt already had in mind his frustrated drama-queen routine that would inevitably lead up to an excuse for declaring a national emergency. Yesterday Trump flew to McAllen, Texas to draw attention to new lie about a so-called "humanitarian crisis" at the southern border.