Trump's Team

Trump Continues To Find The Worst Possible Nominees For Everything. Next Up: Ambassador To Israel

The Vladimir Putin cheering squadWhat if Trump nominated... let's say... Pam Geller to be ambassador to Israel? Who would stop Miss McConnell from ramming her through the confirmation process? Don't ask me why Trump passed over Geller, but he seems to have found some just as loathsome, No, not Ann Coulter. We don;'t know what Trump has in mind for her.

Frogs Legs, Anyone?

Last night I went to dinner with state Rep. Kaniela Saito Ing (D-Maui). Now state Senator Stanley Chang, once a Blue America congressional candidate, introduced us and told me he's one of the smartest and most progressive political leaders in Hawaii. At age 27, he's also the youngest chairperson in Hawaii's legislative history, heading up the Ocean, Marine Resources, and Hawaiian Affairs committee in the state legislature.

Betsy DeVos-- The End Of American Public Education

It's all over, suckersI've been in a state of denial since November 9 but Trump's appointment of Betsy DeVos yesterday snapped me right out of it. Sure, Trump hired an actual neo-Nazi as virtual co-Chief of Staff. And no matter how many times the clueless shills on Morning Joe try to assure everyone that Trump won't be governing the way he ran his vile campaign and that everything is back to normal and he'll have a fine cabinet, it just ain't so.