Trump's Team

America's Newest Villain-- Meet Trumpist Worm Stephen Miller From Santa Monica

Readers have been asking why we haven't done much here on Trumpist lunatic Stephen Miller, the guy who writes the imbecilic crap Trump reads off his teleprompters-- instead of just harping on Bannon, Bannon, Bannon. #PresidentBannon. Well, over the weekend Miller stepped out into the limelight and went on national TV to defend Trump-- every channel, right?-- and to say Trump can't be held accountable by the judicial branch.

Bannon's A Fascist-- But What Does That Make America?

Time: "People who have studied one of Donald Trump's favorite books, The Art of the Deal, are aware that he sees grandstanding, trash-talking, boasting and conflict as useful ingredients in the quest for success. 'My style of dealmaking is quite simple and straightforward,' he declares in his opus. 'I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I'm after.'...

So Who Is Neil Gorsuch-- Aside From Someone Nominated By The National Buffoon?

Señor Trumpanzee nominated Neil Grouch to the seat stolen by the Republicans from Merrick Garland. I doubt they will, but the Democrats should filibuster him and not allow him to serve on the Court. Why. Here's where I turn to my friends at People for the American Way, who know a great deal about this extremist Trump wants to put on the Court:

Señor Trumpanzee Has Jewish Grandchildren And He Probably Doesn't Want To Encourage Anti-Semitism... Probably

There are 4 Jews among the House freshmen, Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Brad Schneider (D-IL) and two who left, Alan Grayson (D-FL) and Steve Israel (D-NY). That means the 115th Congress will have 21 Jews in the House (20 Democrats and one Republican) and, with Barbara Boxer's retirement, 9 in the Senate.