Trump's mental health

White House Push-Back Against Woodward's Book Is... Pretty Anemic

The Diplomat by Nancy OhanianYou may have noticed that yesterday, Bob Woodward's book leaked and some of Trump's top aides made some very disparaging remarks about his stupidity and his character that make him sound as unfit for any office as many of us suspected all along.Although many of the people Woodward interviewed, like Gary Cohn, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, John

Perhaps Senators Who Are Uncomfortable With Trump Turning The U.S. Into A Banana Republic, Should Stop Behaving Like Banana Republicans

Nancy Ohanian: Emperor With Fig LeafYesterday, Bernie was at an AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he told the crowd that Señor Trumpanzee is a "pathological liar." What's the difference between a pathological liar and a congenital liar? Bernie also reminded the folks that Trump "works night and day on behalf of his fellow billionaires...

NATO Leaders Are Experiencing Trump's Mental Instability Today-- And His Devotion To Vladimir Putin

Armchair psychologists have been analyzing Señor Trumpanzee for years but long before diagnoses like cognitive decline, Malignant Narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, dementia, sociopath, Finasteride Psychotic Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and psychosis, everyone who followed Trump for years noticed that he constantly projects.

The Bornstein Raid: Finasteride, "A Good Reason Why Trump Is Crazy"

Mark Foley's husband, Layne Nisenbaum, was one of the most celebrated celebrity cosmetic surgeons in Florida and for many years one of his clients was-- yes, you guessed it-- Señor Trumpanzee. His practice was built on making elderly Palm Beach socialites look middle-aged. After he died in 2012, Foley sold the business to some shysters and an old friend of mine came in to clean up the mess.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI'm thinkin' that it's highly likely that Señor Trumpanzee grew up in a house that was covered, inside and out, with old, flaking lead paint. The evidence mounts every time he opens his mouth. It certainly could explain his erratic thought processes and apparent dementia. Of course, it could be syphilis, but, when I look at the things listed in tonight's meme, I zero right in on the lead paint thing.