Trump's mental health

Have You Ever Considered That Trump Isn't Normal?

I had to change planes in Philly on my way back to L.A. from Berniepalooza Sunday. A psychology of organizations professor from Trump's alma mater sat next to me. I asked her for an analysis of how he governs based on how he ran his business. She talked about malignant narcissism and summed up by explaining that for Trump everything is about Trump. Sounds about right.

Trump's Too Strung Out On Pills To Do His Job-- But No One Wants To Bring Up The 25th Amendment

Forget for a moment about all the Republicans who gave up their seats voluntarily to escape TrumpWorld or to avoid ignominious defeat. Just look at the ones who stood and fought— and were defeated. Or, in the eyes of the returning congressional Republicans… colleagues who were vanquished. For them these weren't just names or even just friends... this is a warning that they could be next: