Trump's mental health

More Revelations On The Donald, AKA, The Trumpanzee

-by Helen KleinA recent article by Kathy Kiely about a new book, The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston, sheds further light on The Donald, the most emotionally unstable and dangerous man ever to run for President of the United States. Recently much has been said about Trump’s mental health, or lack thereof. This book depicts more of Donald, the person. It reveals who has influenced him and what he has been like over the years... and, predictably, it is not a pretty picture.

Trump’s Mental Health-- What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is a Sociopath?

-by Helen KleinMuch has been said about Trump’s mental health, particularly of late. Indeed, his continuation of astonishing tweets and comments gives cause for alarm. The bells are ringing loudly! Unlike some earlier assurances that were made, Trump has not become “more presidential” as this election season has unfolded. Frighteningly, he has become increasingly and astoundingly less so.