Trump's mental health

Trump Has The Lowest IQ Of Any President From The 20th Century On-- Tillerson Isn't As Cunning, But He's Way Smarter

During the 2016 Republican primary, many of us got used to hearing Trump using the vocabulary of a third-grader. As Jack Shafer pointed out, Señor Trumpanzee "isn’t a simpleton, he just talks like one" resisting "multisyllabic words and complex, writerly sentence constructions when speaking extemporaneously in a debate, at a news conference or in an interview.

It's Friday... Let's Talk About Trump's Unfitness, His Mental Unfitness

According the the new Quinnipiac poll, 56% of American voters feel that the orange-hued baboon Putin helped install in the White House is unfit to serve as president. Somehow, 42% of voters actually say he is fit. I suppose they're either not paying attention... or the KKK and Nazi movements in America are way bigger than I thought.

Roger Stone And Alex Jones Publicly Float The Widespread DC Rumor That Señor Trumpanzee Is Drugged Up

So Breitbart's crackpot shtik about a coup and Trump being held hostage in the White House by "the generals" seems to have faded away, at least for now. Instead, we have Alex Jones' latest conspiracy theory, a kind of corollary-- the generals or someone has Señor Trumpanzee drugged up.

Psychiatrists Are Now Allowed To Talk About Trump's Mental Illness

In her "hot mic" moment with Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) late yesterday afternoon, Maine Senate Republican Susan Collins admitted that Trump is "crazy" and that she's "worried." A prominent psychologist told me this morning that Trump has "many diagnoses, including low IQ with likely some dementia due to neurological involvement and language disorder thrown in. And narcissistic personality disorder, conduct disorder, etc., etc.