Trump's mental health

2017 In Review, A Hell Bound Train Of A Year (Part 9) Donald Trump: The Mind Planet Of A Completely Bonkers President

-by NoahThe above clip, from The President Show, is satire, but the best satire has much more than a grain of truth to it. As you begin to watch it, it’s all too real. Such are the words and behavior of the 45th president of the United States. He lives in his own world, his own reality, and he’s dragging us down with it.History is filled with examples of lunatic heads of state.

Worst White House Occupant Ever? What About His GOP Enablers?

Señor Trumpanzee is flipping out over Michael Wolff’s book-- completely deranged-- and claiming he’s “stable” and “a genius” and that Bannon has an 80 IQ. Trump is insane and should be impeached immediately under the terms of the 25th Amendment. The voters should deal with the Republicans who, knowing full well that Trump is a dangerous sociopath, enabled him anyway-- especially Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

A Presidency That Is Not Just Illegitimate But Abnormal As Well

Unless you’re a right-wing extremist you probably don’t know who Stephen Hayes, editor of the Weekly Standard, is-- although they often trot him out on Fox News, CNN and CNBC as a Republican commentator. Aside from a couple of crackpot biographies on Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, he’s best known as a writer for an insane book about how Saddam Hussein was working with al Qaeda (a GOP fantasy that has been proven wrong).

Is Trump Honest And Trustworthy? Most Americans Say NO-- And Most Say Fox Is The Top Source Of Fake News

Trumpanzee-- no brain surgeon-- was at least smart enough to always know he was too intellectually limited (and perhaps aware that he is deteriorating mentally too fast) to actually be a real president in anything but name. And that was fine with him. When he offered Kasich the vice-presidency, Kasich was told he would be in charge of all domestic and foreign policies, while Señor T would just be in charge of Making America Great Again.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahWe've had other presidents with mental health issues. Some, like Nixon, were more than a little paranoid. Some say Reagan suffered from dementia, but, really, was it he who suffered? LBJ seems to have been barely able to keep his ego in check, and Bill Clinton's OCD need to be loved extended way too far. But Señor Trumpanzee? Well, Americans have always looked at the headcases that have run other countries from time to time and wondered what would happen if a completely, utterly insane person, a person completely untethered to reality, made it to the oval office.

Trump, Of Course, Was Lying About Iran, The Same Way He Lies About His Renoir

Two fakes-- intention is always to deceiveTrump has a Renoir? No. He has a cheap knockoff of Renoir's Two Sisters on the Terrace, a masterpiece hanging in the Chicago Art Institute... but he's been lying to everyone who sees it for decades, claiming his junk is real. His junk is fake and everyone knows it. Trump is a fake.