Trump's character

The Humiliation Of Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, The Republican Party-- While The Demented Donald Laughs At America

The superficially crafted messaging of the Republican convention has been stepped on and obliterated every day. But Hillary better not feel powerful for having had anything to do with it. It's all Trump and his incompetent, deranged micro-campaign that's causing all the seemingly self-destructive chaos. Trump lifted those plagiarized passages from Michelle Obama's speech and put them into Melania's address and ate up two-and-a-half days of headlines that might have gone to republican messaging.

Trump Loves The Poorly Educated Because Many Of Them Don't Know What "Prevaricate" Means

At this point, anyone not proceeding from the absolute certainty that Trump is a fraud and a con artist has to have his or her credibility questioned. The attempt by the Republican establishment and then the mainstream media to "normalize" Trump and Trumpism is breathtaking and frightening on an Orwellian level of social dysfunction.

Strong, Decisive Leadership? Not From Stand Up Comic Donald Trump

After a day and a half, Trumpy-the-Clown even took down that ridiculous logo twitter-world was laughing at. I wonder how much he paid for that. Or did 10 year old precocious Barron Trump draw it? Trump was right to worry about the campaign's boneheaded choice of Mike Pence as his running mate. Pence is a divisive ideologue who offers virtually nothing to the ticket except an opportunity to shore up Trump's standing with perennially unhappy hard right movement conservatives. One poll showed that Pence isn't even known at all to 86% of Americans.

Tom Morello, Ryan Harvey And Ani DiFranco Record Woody Guthrie's "Old Man Trump"

To my mind Woody Guthrie has always been a model for young artists. That The Clash picked up so quickly on what Woody was doing in using his music to fight against fascism, helped rocket them to the top of my charts-- and keep them there-- from 1977 through Combat Rock in 1982. Meanwhile, Woody had died, just 55 years old, in almost a decade before The Clash formed.