Trump's character

Trump May Be Playing Us, But Johnny Depp Is Playing A Trumpanzee

When Trump flunked out of Fordam his notoriously racist father tried buying him entree into Harvard. Harvard's admission's office laughed (as did Princeton's and Yale's). University of Pennsylvania had a kind of "trade school" program in real estate at Wharton that-- for the right price-- they would allow the young Tumpanzee to attend. So, technically, Trump can claim he went to an Ivy League school. Technically.Harvard just rejected Trump again.

Trump's Character Revealed By One Of His Former Attorneys

One of the reasons relatively few people have come forward with stories about how the Trumpanzee has cheated them is because he makes everyone sign insanely unconstitutional non-disclosure forms. And he's sue-happy. Even if you win a case against him, it can cost a fortune and a tremendous amount of time and energy. And who likes jumping into a pit filled with mud and excrement to wrestle a mad pig?

Trump Is Unlikely To Recover From His Disgraceful Treatment Of The Khan Family-- And Now He's On The Warpath Against Paul Ryan And John McCain

Today started with a Republican congressman, Richard Hanna, announcing he's voting for Hillary Clinton. He said he found Trump to be "profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader.

Everyone's Favorite Trumpanzee Lines From His Stephanopoulos Interview Yesterday

Bill Clinton must feel pretty brilliant for having encouraged Trump-- lured him?-- into running for the Republican nomination this year. Could Hillary have possibly beaten the more legitimate, less insane candidates? These Trumpisms from yesterday are in chronological order:• I have one of the great temperaments. I have a winning temperament. She has a bad temperament. She's weak. We need a strong temperament.• I think I have a great temperament.• I have a temperament where I know how to win. She doesn't know how to win. Honestly, she lies a lot.

How Complete Is Trump's Hostile Takeover Of The Republican Party?

Jeb Bush didn't stand up to Trump convincingly enough but he hit the nail on the head in December when he labeled Trump the "chaos candidate." Too bad no one was paying any attention to Bush by then. Trump wants chaos. He's learned how to profit when everything seems to be falling apart; it's part of his business model-- part of whatever passes for a creed he has.

Togetherness Trumps Selfishness, Love Trumps Hatred

No, Bernie fans are not going to be voting for Donald Trump in any appreciable numbers-- and certainly not in numbers Trump would need to make up for the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush fans he will be losing, making Florida even more of a stretch for him in November than it should be. Hillary outpolled him in the primary 1,097,400 to 1,077,221. She'll probably pick up Almost all of the 566,603 Bernie and 38,875 O'Malley voters. Will Trump get the 636,653 Rubio voters? The 43,452 Jeb voters? How many of the 403,640 Cruz voters or the 159,412 Kasich voters?