Trump's character

Whether He Releases Them Or Not, The Trumpanzee Tax Saga Is A Window Into His Character And Fitness For Office

Mike Pence was on Meet the Press yesterday and said "Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns. I'll release mine in the next week." Yes? Yes? And what about your crooked boss? When will his returns be released. No news there. Pence reiterated the dishonest excuse Señor Trumpanzee has been giving all along for not releasing his tax returns.

Telling The Truth Is The Kind Of Political Correctness Trumpanzee And His Army of Losers Will End Once And For All

A week or two ago I happened to wake up and turn on the TV and Rev. Al Sharpton had someone on as a guest I didn't recognize, a rotund black minister, Mark Burns, with an amiable personality and the self-awareness to realize he couldn't debate any issues with Sharpton. She said so aloud, making me wonder why Sharpton had this Trump-Supporting idiot on his show. He couldn't debate any issues, just parrot Trumpanzee attacks and innuendoes against Hillary Clinton.

Are Trump And Bannon Hoping For Riots In Mexico?

This morning Señor Trumpanzee had a fundraiser in California and has a much-touted anti-immigrant speech scheduled for Phoenix tonight. In between he decided to go on a last minute jaunt to Mexico City on TrumpForce One. Mexico's embattled and extremely unpopular president (23% approval rating), Enrique Peña Nieto, invited El Trumpanzee down for his own domestic reasons, probably to use him as a piñata. Only 4% of Mexicans see Señor Trumpanzee in a positive light.

The Trumpanzee Policy Of Truth

Last week Trump pivoted again. He said he "has regrets" and that he won't ever lie to the American people... and then released his first ad which got 4 Pinnochios from the Washington Post for averaging a lie every 4 seconds. The infographic above is a look at 20 pollticians who have run for president in recent years from least honest (top) to most honest. The only candidate who lied more frequently than Mr.

Why Isn't Obama Cracking Down On Foreign Money Illegally Flooding Into U.S. Election Campaigns?

Trump wants the savage mob that draws energy from his hate-filled cheap entertainment rallies to believe he's some kind of a "law and order" candidate. Trump-- the guy who has spent an entire lifetime bulldozing any law and any order that's ever gotten in the way of whatever he wanted? That Trump.

More Revelations On The Donald, AKA, The Trumpanzee

-by Helen KleinA recent article by Kathy Kiely about a new book, The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston, sheds further light on The Donald, the most emotionally unstable and dangerous man ever to run for President of the United States. Recently much has been said about Trump’s mental health, or lack thereof. This book depicts more of Donald, the person. It reveals who has influenced him and what he has been like over the years... and, predictably, it is not a pretty picture.