Trump's character

Trump Doesn't Like The Media-- And Doesn't Like Women

The Committee to Protect Journalists is based in New York but the bulk of its work is usually in tyrannical and oppressive regimes in backward parts of the world-- Russia, Bangladesh, Mexico, Iran, Nigeria, Ethiopia, China, Pakistan... But not this week. If you've been listening to Trump's increasingly violent tirades against the media at his hate rallies filled with deplorables, you may have noticed he's riling up his low IQ fascist-embracing supporters.

Turning The Presidential Race Into An Open-Pit Sewer... That's The Donald

The other day, anti-Trump Republican David Brooks wrote, of the debate, that Hillary "behaved in the normal manner on Sunday night. But Donald Trump did not. Trump treated his questioners as unrelatable automatons and delivered his answers to the void, even when he had the chance to seem sympathetic to an appealing young Islamic woman.

A Trump Is Only As Good As His Word

Fact-checking Trump is a bizarre task since nothing he says is especially grounded in objective reality. Every utterance is a negotiating ploy. Nothing is true in the way normal people define "true." During the debate Sunday night, Jesse Williams, a former school teacher best know for his acting role as Dr. Jackson Avery on Grey's Anatomy, tweeted that "Trump is the king of empty sentences. No actual information.

Is He From Mars? Pence Will Have To Try To Make This Sound Normal Tonight

The other day, Keith Olbermann recorded a telling little segment about dogs and Trump. To anyone who's ever been a friend of a dog-- and who, besides Trump, hasn't been?-- it's bad enough on it's own. But when you look at it in a broader context, Trump's psychological unfitness for leadership, it becomes even more interesting.

Trump And Women

He wasn't jokingDid you ever get a letter from a Trumpy-the-Clown attorney threatening a law suit? I guess the really classic ones are the ones from ultimate sleaze bag Roy Cohn but he's sitting on Satan's dick now so the one I got a week or two ago was less collectible. They're suing me for writing about accusations that before she was married to Herr Trumpf, Melania wasn't just using her bod for modeling.

What Does German Heritage Mean To You?

Trump says he's not a racist; he says he's the least racist man in the entire universe. He did tell a crowd at one of his hate rallies in Indiana though, that he believes all Americans of Kenyan descent should be deported back to Kenya, including President Obama. He said, for example, that "Africans are lazy fools, only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery...