Trump's character

Trump Gets So Upset When He's Exposed As The Kleptomaniac He's Been All His Life

Saturday, Trumpanzee woke up, chopped up and then snorted a couple of Adderalls and started with the morning ritual-- his nasty, childish, mastabatory tweeting. One claimed that the NYTimes is fake news and that it had apologized to His Trumpiness. The fake news-- or in the Regime's own terms, #AltFacts-- is that it ever apologized to him for anything.

All Hail The Gaslighter-in-Chief

Thursday night-- in a bizarre Adderall-fueled rant-- Señor Trumpanzee falsely claimed his inaugural concert was the biggest success in history. Unprecedented. People wondered if he was drunk. There were about 10,000 people. Obama's inaugural concert had drawn 400,000. Trump's a compulsive liar. PolitiFact has fact checked 358 controversial statements of his.

Would Trump Cut Coke With Rat Poison To Make A Nickel If He Was A Drug Dealer? Oh Yes

I’m not kosher; I’ve never tasted vodka and there was never a time in my life that I would have bought something branded “Trump.” The very idea is— and has always been— disgusting. I do eat organic food, however, and I know well about the scam-artists who claim something is organic, usually more attractive to discerning customers (as well as more expensive), when it isn’t organic at all. That;’s illegal.

Trump-- A One Trick Pony With Infantile Strategies Will Be No Match For Any World Leader (Other Than Duterte)

Trump has been feuding with Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter since Carter was at Spy in the 1980's referring to Trump as a "short-fingered vulgarian," implying that he's not just a disgusting person but that he has a small penis. Trump has been obsessing over it for 30 years.

Hey Republicans! It’s On You. Period. (Part 2)

-by NoahOn Wednesday morning, when I wrote my post entitled, If You Voted For The Orange Fascist, It’s On You. Period, I wrote that how eerily quiet New York City was that morning. New York is not alone in its reaction to the stunning and appalling victory of Herr Trumpf and what evil it could visit on America. As with all tragedies, people have now entered a period of working through their grieving into a mood of not resignation but resolve and meeting the challenges.

When A Notorious Projectionist Started Calling Hillary "Crooked," You Had To Figure What Was Coming-- Trump's Foreign Campaign Money Scandal

Early Monday morning, I laughed when I saw the crackpot Trump quote below about the Clinton Foundation taking money from foreign contributors, as though that was illegal. It isn't illegal and it wasn't something that they tried to cover up. The concept of a charitable foundation with an international mandate is beyond Trump's ken and beyond the ken of his sad-sack supporters.

Olbermann Tries Warning Les Déplorables: "You Know This Man, You Have Always Known This Man"

"The monster you see, is the monster you will get... Elect him and you are signing the death warrant to your own freedoms. Three weeks until that election and the leaders of one party are still chained, of their own volition, to the captain of the Titanic. Three weeks until that election and their candidate has shown himself, more and more, hour by hour, day by day, to be manifestly unstable, sexually criminal, deranged, bigoted and despotic. Yet, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, these so-called leaders have been given the choice between shame and loss of office.