Trump's character

You Can't Impeach Someone For Vulgarity, But...

Two dozen Secretaries of State, including many Republicans in red states like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Utah, Texas, Arizona, Indiana, North Dakota, and Tennessee told the Trump Regime to "go jump in the Gulf of Mexico" when they asked for voters' personal information. Trumpanzee woke up Saturday accusing them, of trying to hide something.

A Crumbling Regime... Built On A Thin Tissue Of Compulsive Lies

“Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies,” wrote David Leonhardt in today’s NY Times. Does that statement seem odd, coming on the pages of one of the country’s most prestigious, and even staid, newspapers? But that was just the beginning. Leonhardt continued by warning that “as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them.

More And More Americans Realize Trump Isn't Just Unfit To Be President Because Of His Character-- He's Also A Moron

Often when I visited my first girl friend, Doreen, on Avenue Z in Brooklyn, either just before or just after my bar mitzvah, I would sometimes run into the Trump family. Trump’s crooked bigoted father had a development down the street from her parents’ house. Everyone in the neighborhood knew the notorious Trump family as lowlife shysters.

Throwing It Back In Trump’s Face

-by NoahDonald J. Trump has run his life as a bully. He shoots off his mouth as a bully. He sues as a bully. He refuses to pay contractors agreed amounts for work and threatens them if they don’t take less. He bullied his way through the 2016 campaign season. He encourages violence at his rallies. He hangs up on prime ministers. He shoves them aside.

Will The Man With The Smallest Penis Please Step To The Front? Trump Shoves Fellow NATO Leader

-by NoahCheck out the above clip of our boorish, ill-mannered, egomaniacal monstrosity, and Republican excuse for a president as he shoves his way to front and center for the camera.Trump was in Brussels, Belgium (a city he has previously rudely called a “hellhole”) for meetings with the other leaders of NATO.

Trump Decides To Repay Loyalty With Deadly Indifference-- Not Just In West Virginia, But In Afghanistan Too

US soldier in Afghanistan, questions captive with the help of an Afghan translatorMy friend Sonia, a Holocaust survivor and author of over 40 books, is writing a new one now about a torn-apart family of Afghan refugees who are living in the Bay Area in the late 1970s. After two long stays in Afghanistan in the 1960s and '70s, I too was living in the Bay Area when her book is set.

Howard Stern: Trumpanzees Just Want To Be Loved

Howard Stern is actually personal friends with Trump. He was reminiscing about their relationship on his radio show the other day (above) and he mentioned that he knows something about Trump. "He really does want to be loved. He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a sensitive ego. And when you're president of the United States, people are going too be very, very critical and I think in his mind right now he's saying 'Gee, I want to protect the country.