Trump's character

Trump's One-Note Campaign: Ladies And Gentlemen, It's All About Meeeeeeeee

The psychological aspects of this campaign are fascinating, but they certainly seem to be effective on the highly uneducated so appreciated and targeted by Trump. This is a candidacy all about projection. His jihad against Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal is something he knows something about-- not about her being guilty of destroying e-mails, but about he doing exactly that a decade ago.

Ken Burns' Must Watch Speech, The Speech Of The Week-- And It's Only Monday

Film maker Ken Burns, who chronicles American history and culture, called out Trump, Trumpism and his enablers during a commencement speech at Stanford Sunday, referring to the Republican presidential nominee as "a charlatan, a naked emperor, a bullying, infantile man" without once uttering Trump's ugly name.

OK, Trump Was A Bad Businessman-- But Is He Also A Crook?

Right on top of the media onslaught involving Trump's exaggerations that he was a competent and supremely successful businessman-- claims that are not backed up by the facts that come from any place other than himself-- a view into his business model hit the press in a big way: ripping off small businesses. Both USA Today and the Wall Street Journal ended the week with exposes of Trump refusing to pay bills from contractors based on...