
Will We Ever Know Which Counties In Wisconsin, Pennsylvania And Michigan Putin Hacked?

What's the bottom line on Russian interference in the election on behalf of Putin's puppet candidate? Was it just propaganda aimed at an easily manipulated U.S. media coupled with fake news aimed at low-IQ voters? Or is there evidence that the Russians actually tampered with easily hackable voting machines in Outagamie Kenosha and Portage counties in Wisconsin, Macomb and Muskegon counties in Michigan and Luzerne and Erie counties in Pennsylvania.

Putin Would Be A Much Worse Problem For Trump Than Adderall Or Even Cocaine

A NYTimes intrepid team of reporters-- Patrick Healy, Ashley Parker and the indefatigable Maggie Haberman-- talked to a gaggle of Trump advisors who are tiptoeing through the mine-field of getting a little teensy-weensy pivot out of Trump about how he approaches debates. "A delicate approach to the candidate," they wrote, "is now in the works. Before his advisers can shape Mr. Trump’s performance for the next debate, on Oct. 9 in St.

Taking Bribes From The Russians Cuts Both Ways

Don't ask me why Trump doesn't ever find anyone who isn't part of Team Putin to run his campaignTrumpist Sean Duffy (R-WI) and anti-Trumpist Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) have both said they are uncomfortable with the way the Trump campaign now appears to be, on some levels at least, an arm of Russia's foreign policy agenda and, worse yet, the political agenda of Vladimir Putin,

Why Isn't Obama Cracking Down On Foreign Money Illegally Flooding Into U.S. Election Campaigns?

Trump wants the savage mob that draws energy from his hate-filled cheap entertainment rallies to believe he's some kind of a "law and order" candidate. Trump-- the guy who has spent an entire lifetime bulldozing any law and any order that's ever gotten in the way of whatever he wanted? That Trump.

Trump Is A Scary Monster And Super Creep... But Hillary Will Keep Us Safe

Yesterday the L.A. Times published an OpEd by Bernie, explaining why he's voting for Hillary Clinton, basically an establishment candidate of the status quo with whom we all just spent a year contrasting with the reform-minded-- even revolutionary-- Sanders. Stating the obvious, he starts with a gentler lesser-of-two-evils argument: "Trump would be a disaster and an embarrassment for our country if he were elected president.

Will We Ever Find Out If Putin Really Owns Trump Or Not?

This week has seen an increase in the buzz about the Trumpanzee's relationship/non-relationship with Vladimir Putin. With polling showing Americans are very wary of Russia, very wary of Putin, very wary of Russian hacking into U.S. politics and more likely to oppose a candidate who is seen to be collaborating with Putin, Team Hillary seems to think they can ride the Trump idiocy about Russia all the way to the White House.

Everyone's Favorite Trumpanzee Lines From His Stephanopoulos Interview Yesterday

Bill Clinton must feel pretty brilliant for having encouraged Trump-- lured him?-- into running for the Republican nomination this year. Could Hillary have possibly beaten the more legitimate, less insane candidates? These Trumpisms from yesterday are in chronological order:• I have one of the great temperaments. I have a winning temperament. She has a bad temperament. She's weak. We need a strong temperament.• I think I have a great temperament.• I have a temperament where I know how to win. She doesn't know how to win. Honestly, she lies a lot.