
When It Comes To Putin-Gate, Who In Congress Really Will Stand And Deliver?

At some point around 1980, Stuart Goddard (AKA- Adam Ant) had to decide if the band he led was going to be a modern boy band and go for the gold via a path used by contemporaries like Classic Nouveaux, ABC, Simple Minds, Heaven 17, Blancmange... and later so successfully trod by groups like the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys, or go for the glory of competing with the big boys-- like The Clash, The Smiths and Generation X. If the video above confuses you, don't worry; it confused Stuart and his mates as well.

The Road To Impeachment Is Long And Arduous-- But You Have To Start Somewhere

You remember when Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show last Friday? We covered it here, ran a video of the segment that shows how Maher and his audience pressured the gutless Issa into agreeing that any real investigation into Trump's relations with Putin requires a special prosecutor rather than a Republican white wash effort led by Richard Burr or Devin Nunes.Issa told the audience that "You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office to take, not just to recuse.

Can Foreign Leaders, Outside Of Putin, Trust Anything Trump Or His People Say?

Trump's fascinating hour and 17 minutes performance art piece Thursday-- one Republican senator, not amused suggested he should have done it privately, with a therapist, not on live TV-- was unmoored from objective reality. Subject by subject, getting at any semblance of The Truth was not on Trump's agenda.