
Blue Wave And Putin-Gate

Pointless, meaningless national generic go up and go down. Nervous candidates, campaign operatives, radio hosts, reporters ask "Do you think there will be a blue wave?" My opinion has changed all year. The answer is yes. The question is just about how big will it be. Big enough to win back the House? Absolutely. Big enough to defeat 50 House Republicans? Probably. 75? Possibly. 100?

Trump Can't Control Himself But Not Even Depends Will Solve His-- And America's-- Problem

Trump's motivation has aways been self-enrichment; it's how he experiencing whatever it is he's ultimately looking for: acceptance, status, approval. And since his earliest days he's never been able to control himself, not for anything. And no one else has been able to control him either, which is why he's been such a loser and why's he's always been such a criminal.

Ready For Putin-Gate II? Is The Kremlin Targeting The Midterms?

When I read Tuesday evening that Trumpanzee chief of staff John Kelly had been calling members of Congress and telling them to feel free to criticize Trump for his treasonous behavior in Helsinki, I assumed Kelly had cleared that first with Señor T and that, for once, Trump was thinking strategically instead of like a self-obsessed 4 year old. But I was wrong. Trump had no idea what Kelly was up to.

Even Folks In Russia Hate Trump And Realize What A Worthless Untrustworthy Liar He Is

I was in Russia for a few weeks in 2016. With the exception of a couple of towns around Moscow, we only saw Moscow and St Petersburg. I found Moscovites generally cold, closed and unfriendly, in the same way tourists sometimes describe New Yorkers. I didn't like it much. St. Petersburg was the opposite: friendly, warm, open... good restaurants... So much better than Moscow to visit.

Trump's Horribly Failed Trip To Europe

Here in the U.S., Trump is the least popular American "president" at this point in his term. It's much worse in the rest of the world. Except for outright fascist countries like Hungary and dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, Trump is almost universally hated. Even before he went to the U.K. and made an ass out of himself, YouGov polling showed him with an 11% approval rating. 67% of Britons say he's either a "poor" or "terrible" leader.Scotland hates him even more than the rest of the U.K.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah THE MOSCOW 7As the meme says, "Have to ask why." Well, do we really, really have to ask? 7 of the Republican Party's "best people" are invited to Moscow. 7 Republicans. 6 senators, 1 congresswoman. No Democrats invited. No Democrats allowed. Oh, they made a little game of it, temporarily inviting New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen, but she didn't make the final cut. Not qualified, I guess. No room on the plane.