
Chicago Women’s March… More Than 250,000 People, Majority Of Them Women, On The Move Against Trump And Trumpism…

The Women’s March of January 21, 2017, was too large for anyone to “cover” as a reporter or photographer. This is one participant’s report, view and experience from the streets of Chicago during the January 21, 2017 Women’s March. My report is presented mostly as a snapshot of the people, posters and chants encountered. I did not hear even one[Read More...]

Obama Legacy, Racism And Trump Victory in America

As there’re multiple causes and factors behind most events, so is Donald Trump’s election victory not attributable to any single factor. However, there is always the “most important factor” behind everything. Here, neo-fascist racism played the most important role in the election of Trump. One may attribute his victory to the so-called Obama Legacy or Factor. We know Trump is[Read More...]

Bangalore Protests Against Trumpism

#ResistTrump event in Bangalore was a phenomenal success. and one would specially thank the following who made this #ResistTrump special & unique by sending voice & mail messages to be played and read out at the protest venue in Bangalore. Binu Mathew (Editor Counter Currents, Kerala), B.Buresha (Cine Director and Theatre Dreamer from Bangalore Karnataka, Who organises Workers in Entertainment[Read More...]

The Establishment Strikes Back?

We've been reading about how both Brexit and Trumpism are part of a reaction based on fear and loathing against elites and their policies that have left masses of people economically and socially insecure. But I hadn't read the perspective from the elites until yesterday when someone sent me a post at Foreign Policy by James Traub. At first I thought it was a parody. But it wasn't. If Traub is accurately representing the elites, they have a very different perspective than the conventional wisdom that is somewhat sympathetic with displaced and threatened workers.