Trump Supporters

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahNot to cast aspersions on every single person in the former Soviet Union, but how shady and sleazy do you have to be for Ukrainians to see you as so sleazy that you have broken the accepted norms and deserve the extra special kind of attention that appeared on the front page of the October 18th Kyiv Post?Started up in 1995, the Kyiv Post is the Ukrainian media outlet that is seen as the the global media voice of Ukraine.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI don't spend a lot of time thinking about what Trumpies have in their homes, but I do have some ideas based on Republicans I have had the misfortune to meet personally or see on the telly. I mean, think about it next time you see some jackass like Lindsey Graham, Rudy Giuliani, or any of the usual gang of goons including the ones you see in those on the street interviews outside Trump rallies.

Trump Supporters: Racists, Closet Cases, Nazis And Anti-Semites... Just Vile

More hog than human, Trumpist Pamela Taylor is being led away to a penI think everyone-- other than die-hard members of the Trump base-- can agree that Pamela Taylor is the worst piece of dog shit passing herself off as a human being. This woman defines "garbage" who should never have been born. You don't remember the name?

Who Is Helping Trump Turn America Fascist? Are All Trump Contributors Racists?

There are plenty of ways to contribute to Trump's campaign-- directly or indirectly, as well as directly and indirectly. There are also ways-- many ways-- to cover up your contributions. I noticed, for example that there were dozens of individuals (as opposed to companies) who had given $10,000 or more to Trump's Make America Great Again Committee.

Trump’s Talking Terror Transcript-- What He Said, What He Didn’t Say, And What He Was Thinking

Señor Trumpanzee by Nancy OhanianHarper Thorpe offers a more Trumpian transcript of Trump’s Monday morning remarks about the two mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. Note: This is the real and original Trump transcript with the edits in italics.-by Harper ThorpeTRUMP: Good morning. My fellow Republicans, NRA members, and the undereducated. This morning, our nation is overcome with shock, horror, and sorrow.