
Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Scott Smith – Orthodoxy Vs Gnosticism

I was invited back to Aeon Byte for a debate – this is uploaded with express written permission. Jay Dyer and Scott Smith joined us for a civil but passionate debate. We discussed the Gnostic and Orthodox differences on Theodicy, Biblical Inerrancy, Free Will, Salvation, the nature of Jesus, and much more. Is the world evil or in harmony? Is the Old Testament about a good or evil god? What were the true origins of Christianity? And much more. For some reason, my vaping was as incendiary as the topics.


I Am That I Am, Essence-Energy, St. Athanasius & Wandering Bishop Sedevacantist Cults – Jay Dyer

I will be covering the ridiculous accusation that St Athanasius taught absolute divine simplicity as illustrated from the definitive Fr Florovsky paper on the subject, analyzing De Decretis, and looking again at the theophanies and how Triadology developed from St Athanasius to St Basil in letters 38 and 234, to St Maximos and the 6th Council, into St. John of Damascus and the Confession of St. Sophronius and into the medieval Orthodox councils that define eternal manifestation as binding and how this is admitted in the Vatican Clarification on the Filioque.