
Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes.  A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here. I covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism.  Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.


Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God – Politics Discord

A recent “debate” on one of the largest discord servers. Atheists are now arguing that informal fallacies are valid arguments, so feel free to now use nothing but ad hominems, since informal fallacies are valid arguments. “What is the justification for knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics in your worldview.”
Atheist Reply: the single mocule dimension isn’t a contradiction.
This hilarious low IQ reply wasn’t a coherent counter example, argument or justification.

Monarchia of the Father & The Early Church – Al Fadi – An Interview with Jay Dyer

Join Al Fadi & Jay Dyer on a Let Us Reason Livestream PRIME
Topic: The Early Church Views on Various Doctrines!
Join Al Fadi and brother Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis) as they discuss the views taken by the early church on certain essential biblical doctrines such as the Trinity and the Monarchy of the Father.


Men, Women & Relationships – Part 2! – Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

This is the first half of a full show for subscribers to my site. Jamie returns to discuss with me the next installment of men and women issues – are relationships salvageable in modernity?  Can we really have a fruitful relationship without God?  In this latest installment we pick back up with new Orthodox materials and talks Jamie has been studying lately.

Jesus in Islam & the Bible: An Exchange – Jay Dyer / Nazam Goffoor

An impromptu discussion and exchange on the Person of Christ in the texts of the law of Moses, the prophets, the writings and the New Testament.  Nazam is an apologist who focuses on exegesis of the Koran and its relationship with other religions like Christianity and the Jewish law.  We will examine these issues. His channel is here.

Proof of God’s Existence & Logos – Jay Dyer with Rational Rise

#logos #philosophy #atheism James Higgins asked me on to discuss the transcendental argument and my previous debates. We assess the Matt Dillahunty debate, the Stefan debate and more, as well as discussing logic, metalogical claims and the notion of energies and the Trinity, as well as my analyses of Hollywood films.


Stefan Molyneux Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Philosophy & Its Claims!

As many of you have requested for several years, Stefan Molyneux has agreed to have an unmoderated conversational exchange and debate on the nature of philosophy itself, logic, epistemic claims, the value of “sense data” and empiricism, and much more!  Tune in to his channel at 8PM EST followed by a Q n A.  Not sure where this chat will go, but it should be lively!