
What If Nazi Germany Won in Ukraine

«Those who are now destroying the cemeteries of the Soviet soldiers will still pay for doing so. Nature will take revenge on them and their children although they may not believe this now. No one can cancel the law of historical karma. This law always catches up to the grave robbers.» -Oles Buzina Notes on … Continue reading What If Nazi Germany Won in Ukraine

From Ukraine to The Ruin

Editor’s and Translator’s Notes: I continue to bring you my translations of the witty and brilliant slain Ukrainian author, Oles Buzina (1969-2015). His was one of the first prominent political assassinations after the 2014 regime change in that country. This article comes from the author’s series, “Stories from Oles Buzina,” in which he mainly covers … Continue reading From Ukraine to The Ruin

The Story of a Real Man

This interview initially appeared in Komsomolskaya Pravda on December 7, 2022. It was entitled, “A Pilot of the Russian Aerospace Forces: ‘We decided not to give up. The navigator took the grenade, and I pulled the ring out of it.'” Editor’s Note: The Story of a Real Man by Boris Polevoy (1946) referenced below is … Continue reading The Story of a Real Man

WATCH: Translate the Truth

Are you a non-English speaker who is interested in helping translate Corbett Report and other independent media material into other languages? Are you looking for translations of truth content into other languages for your friends, relatives or neighbours? Are you willing to help translate important info from other languages into English for the benefit of …

Estonian Translation of my Biden Budget Speech Bash

Thanks very much to Objektiiv for translating my AIER piece on Biden’s Budget Buncombe into Estonian. I hope the humor worked better in translation. James Bovard: sõna sai Vikatimees 4. mai 2021 James Bovard Majandusteadlane, filosoof ja kirjanik James Boward annab mõttekoja Ameerika Majandusuuringute Instituudi (American Institute for Economic Research) portaalis ülevaate Joe Bideni Ameerika […]

German Translation of my Never Ending Battle Between Leviathan and Liberty

Hearty thanks to the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland for translating my piece, “The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty.” Folks who’ve heard me speak German are grateful the translation wasn’t done by me.  My fluency in that language is limited to a shoulder shrug followed by, “Mein Deutsch ist schlecht.” XXXXXXX Der niemals endende […]

World Translation Day

Today, September 30 is celebrated as World Translation Day. Translators can be called unsung heroes and heroines of communication. Even when people enjoy reading translations of great works in foreign languages, we rarely notice the translator’s name and even when we do it is rarer still we register them or know anything about them. So it is good to celebrate[Read More...]

Jesuits, Franks & Prelest – Jay Dyer With Orthobro Snek

Orthobro Snek joins me to discuss little know facts about the Jesuits and their machinations in France. We will touch on Guettee, Joan of Arc, the counter-reformation, heart worship, bizarre forms of Roman Catholic mortification and “spirituality,” the role of the state in the Frankish Church and much more! LIVE at 6PM CST 
Their discord is here