transit strike

The Workers United Are Not Always Defeated

Working people around the world are in worse straits than they have been for decades.  Unemployment is rampant and real wages are stagnant.  Young people entering the job market face an uncertain future and a lack of understanding on how to change that.  In the most capitalist nation of them all – the United States — the future only looks bright if one is a member of the shrinking but ever-richer ruling elite.  Education is being attacked on all levels by the privateers and those who invest in their economy built on destruction and despair.  Claiming to be held hostage by right-wing pro-cor

Labour Strikes and Individual Consciousness

Strikes by labor have a way of bringing individuals’ consciousness to the foreground. This is especially true when the primary work of the workers on the picket line  is serving the public. Teachers, police, firemen, public works and transit workers fall into this category and, when they strike the public feels the difference. In the place I live—Burlington, Vermont—the transit system drivers have been on strike for two weeks.