transcendental argument

N I H I L I S M – Root of the Revolution – Fr Seraphim Rose 8PM EST Live- Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight at 8PM EST we will cover Fr. Rose’s classic book Nihilism. We will focus on the revolutionary age and how it brought man to a point of empty materialism, which led to nihilistic scientism. Now, we are in the era of post-human Luciferianism – another logical step. The first half is public, while the full talk for subscribers can be obtained at JaysAnalysis links below.

Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 2 – Jay Dyer

Picking up where we left off on the last defense of theology and philosophy stream, I return to questions of apologetic method, the ontological status of numbers, logic and other invariant conceptual entities, the nature of metaphysics and transcendental arguments, the relationship of historical philosophy to dialectics and why dialectics must be avoided. We will also discuss revelation in Scripture in terms of the epistemic authority, the circularity of foundational truth claims at a fundamental level, as well as your questions. How do numbers prove God?


Genesis Vs Atheism & Paganism – Introduction to Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

7 days of creation and Genesis 1 must be myths, right? Merely Carl Jung style “archetypes”? Isn’t the Bible just like all the other ancient near eastern religions? Didn’t monotheism evolve from polytheism? No, no, and no to all. No. In this talk we set our view over against the incoherent meaninglessness of modernity and scientism and paganism – all made foolish in Genesis itself. Hour 2 is available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.
Stream or download Audio here